First way to fail: try to be the same as youwereat home
Chinese students understand very well how tobesuccessful in China. However, if they try to study in exactlythesame way abroad, they will not succeed。
The Chinese system rewards the student whocanmemorize the necessary information most completely.Chinesestudents compete with each other and try to be rankedindividuallyat the highest possible level. North American schoolsfeel they aresuccessful if all their students achieve understandingof importantconcepts and principals and can apply knowledge indifferentways。
The Chinese student who simply tries tomemorizeall the information from a course in a North Americanschool willbe frustrated when less studious classmates achievehigher scores.This is because some students are able to writepapers or exams inways that reveal deeper understanding ofprinciples. In NorthAmerica, two different students might composevery differentanswers to a given exam question but achieve the samescores. Oftensuch students are able to apply relevant evidence fromextraknowledge gained through personal reading or throughsuperiorrecognition about which information more strongly supportsa pointof view。
Second way to fail: be a passive learner
In Western countries there is a stereotypeaboutthe typical Chinese student who sits quietly in class, alwaysdoeshis homework and can achieve at the top of his class in mathandscience courses. This student however, however, does much lesswellin literature, history, psychology and other subjects wherethewritten course content requires each student to approachtheinformation with a personal point of view and to form opinionsandinterpretations。
One of the main differences between thetwoclusters of subjects is the requirement that students developtheirunderstanding through open discussion and debate, byskillfully andpolitely challenging the views of other classmate andteachers.North American students have been developing theconfidence to n inthis manner since elementary school. Furthermore,North Americanstudents have been ning in learning groups from anearly age. Bythis approach, students produce reports, displays andother typesof results using teamwork just as they might have to doas part ofa production team in a company later in life。
Unfortunately, the stereotypical Chinesestudentis often seen as a burden rather than an asset by suchgroupsbecause his skills are not suitable for contribution tothedevelopment of the product in a relevant way. The Chinesestudentwho takes personal risks and develops his social andacademicskills will find himself more easily accepted by classmatesandwill achieve higher scores。
Third way to fail: isolate yourself from thehostculture
A different stereotype has emerged aboutthemodern Chinese student. He has a lot of money to spend anddrawsattention to himself by buying an expensive car (BMW,Mercedes,etc。). Local North American students hate this. Ittellsthem that this student doesn"t care about learning tonwith local students but wants to achieve status within anoverseasChinese population。
Another aspect of this mentality is thetendencyfor this student to spend a lot of time with Chinesefriends,speaking Chinese and going to Chinese restaurants andclubs. Thiswill allow the student to have a comfortable culturallifestyle butit means he is not learning to interact with studentsfrom the hostcountry and other cultures。