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2011美国"门户开放报告"发布 2010/11中国留美增23.3%


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  2011年11月14日 - 根据每年由国际教育协会(IIE)与美国国务院教育及文化局合作发布的开放门户(Open Doors)报告,美国学院和大学中的国际学生数量在2010/11学年增长了5%,达到723,277人。这代表着在美国的国际学生数量达到一个创纪录的高水平。这是开放门户数据中的国际学生总数连续第五年增长,现在在美国学院和大学学习的国际学生比十年前增加了32%。


  输送(学生)最多的国家-中国 报告显示,中国留美的学生总数达到157558人,这一数据约占美国海外留学生总数的22%,其中本科生为56976人,增长幅度达到惊人的43%;研究生为76830人,增长16%。中国连续两年成为输送(学生)最多的国家。来自印度的学生,美国的第二大国际人群,减少了1%,降到约104,000人。韩国是第三大的来源国,有73,000多人,增加了2%,构成总数的10%。来自中国的学生数量增长,特别在大学水平,占去年增长量的很大一部分。中国学生总共增加了23.3%,大学水平(的学生)增加了43%。


  最热门大学-南加利福尼亚大学  接收外国留学生最多的五个大学按顺序排名分别是:南加州大学、伊利诺大学厄巴纳-香槟分校、纽约大学、普度大学和哥伦比亚大学。

  最热门州-加利福尼亚 在美国,接收外国留学生最多的五个州按顺序排名分别是:加州、纽约州、得克萨斯州、马塞诸萨州和伊利诺州。



  最热门研究领域-商务与管理、工程学 在2009/10学年,国际学生在美国十大最热门的学习领域是商业和管理、工程、数学与计算机科学、物理和生命科学、社会科学、美术及应用艺术、卫生、强化英语语言、教育、人文和农业。


  2011年11月14日 - 根据每年由国际教育协会(IIE)与美国国务院教育及文化局合作发布的开放门户(Open Doors)报告,美国学院和大学中的国际学生数量在2010/11学年增长了5%,达到723,277人。这代表着在美国的国际学生数量达到一个创纪录的高水平。这是开放门户数据中的国际学生总数连续第五年增长,现在在美国学院和大学学习的国际学生比十年前增加了32%。





  这三大输送国 - 中国、印度和韩国 - 一起构成美国高等教育国际(学生)入学总数的将近一半(46%)。加拿大、台湾、沙特阿拉伯和日本每国占国际学生总人数的约3%到4%,前七位的来源国构成总数的约60%。




  南加利福尼亚大学连续十年成为领先院校,2010年11月有国际学生8,615人。伊利诺伊大学厄巴那 - 香槟分校接待外国学生数量高居第二位(7,991人),纽约大学紧随其后,排在第三位(7,988人)。10大中的其他院校是:普渡大学(7,562人),哥伦比亚大学(7,297人),加利福尼亚大学 - 洛杉矶分校(6,249人),俄亥俄州立大学(以6,082人从前一年的第15位上升到前10),密歇根大学 - 安娜堡分校(5,995人),密歇根州立大学(5,748人),以及哈佛大学(以5,594人从第14名上升到前10)。



  "开放门户"报告由国际教育协会(Institute of International Education)发表,该协会是美国非营利性教育和文化交流组织的领军机构。国际教育协会自1919年以来,每年都开展美国国际学生年度统计数据调查,自70年代早期开始与美国国务院教育及文化事务局合作。统计数字基于对美国约3000所经认证的接待国际学生的学院调查得来。"开放门户"也报告包括对美国大学中的国际学者、就读学前英语强化课程的国际学生、以及在海外留学的美国学生(1985年至今)的调查。


 November 14, 2011



 China top sending country; USC top host university; California top host state; NYC top host city; Women represent 45 percent of international students; Business and Management, Engineering remain top fields of study

November 14, 2011 – The number of international students at colleges and universities in the United States increased by five percent to 723,277 during the 2010/11 academic year, according to the Open Doors report, which is published annually by the Institute of International Education (IIE) in partnership with the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. This represents a record high number of international students in the United States. This is the fifth consecutive year that Open Doors figures show growth in the total number of international students, and there are now 32 percent more international students studying at U.S. colleges and universities than there were a decade ago.

Increased numbers of students from China, particularly at the undergraduate level, largely accounts for the growth this past year. Chinese students increased by 23.3 percent in total and by 43 percent at the undergraduate level.

 "Because of the excellence and diversity of our colleges and universities, more students worldwide are choosing to study in the United States," said Ann Stock, Assistant Secretary of State (R). "Young people who study abroad gain the global skills necessary to create solutions to 21st Century challenges. In turn, international students globalize our campuses and communities."

"It is positive news that our higher education institutions continue to excel in attracting students from all over the world, and in preparing American students to succeed in an increasingly global environment," said Allan Goodman, President and CEO of the Institute of International Education.  "Educational exchange in both directions furthers business and cultural ties between the United States and other countries."

Chinese student enrollment in the United States rose to a total of nearly 158,000 students, or nearly 22 percent of the total international student population, making China the leading sending country for the second year in a row. Students from India, the second largest international cohort in the United States, decreased by one percent to a total of nearly 104,000.   South Korea is the third leading place of origin, with more than 73,000 students, increasing by two percent and making up 10 percent of the total. 

Together, the top three sending countries – China, India and South Korea – comprise nearly half (46 percent) of the total international enrollments in U.S. higher education. Canada, Taiwan, Saudi Arabia, and Japan each represent approximately three to four percent of the total international student population, with these top seven places of origin comprising about 60 percent of the total. 

International enrollments at the undergraduate level reached 291,439, an increase of six percent.  This increase brings the number of undergraduate international students much closer to the number of graduate level international students at 296,574. The proportion of graduate to undergraduate international students has fluctuated over the past decade. In 2000/01, there were more undergraduate international students, but this was reversed in 2001/02, and graduate international enrollments since then have remained higher than undergraduate. This year, the gap has narrowed, with close to 5,000 more graduate students in 2010/11 compared to nearly 20,000 more graduate students than undergraduate students the previous year. The total number of international students in non-degree programs, including short-term programs and English language study, was up 8 percent to more than 59,000.


The top 10 most popular fields of study for international students in the United States in 2009/10 were Business and Management (22 percent of total), Engineering (19 percent), Mathematics and Computer Science (9 percent), Physical and Life Sciences (9 percent), Social Sciences (9 percent), Fine & Applied Arts (5 percent), Health Professions (5 percent), Intensive English Language (5 percent), Education (2 percent), Humanities (2 percent), and Agriculture (1 percent). Undeclared majors are excluded from the rankings of top fields of study.

For the tenth year in a row, the University of Southern California is the leading host institution, with 8,615 international students in 2010/11. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign hosts the second highest number of foreign students (7,991), with New York University a close #3 (7,988). Other campuses in the top 10 are: Purdue University (7,562), Columbia University (7,297), University of California – Los Angeles (6,249), Ohio State University (moving up from #15 the previous year, with 6,082), University of Michigan – Ann Arbor (5,995), Michigan State University (5,748), and Harvard University (moving up from #14 with 5,594).

California remains the leading host state for international students (96,535, up 2 percent), followed by New York (78,888, up 4 percent), Texas (61,636, up 5 percent), Massachusetts (38,698, up 10 percent), Illinois (33,766, up 9 percent), Pennsylvania (30,507, up 9 percent), Florida (29,719, no change), Ohio (24,709, up 11 percent), Michigan (24,668, up 2 percent), and Indiana (20,112, up 8 percent).

About The Open Doors report

The Open Doors report is published by the Institute of International Education, the leading not-for-profit educational and cultural exchange organization in the United States.  IIE has conducted an annual statistical survey of the international students in the United States since 1919, in partnerships with the U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs since the early 1970s. The census is based on a survey of approximately 3,000 accredited U.S. institutions which host international students. Open Doors also reports on surveys on international scholars at U.S. universities; international students enrolled in pre-academic Intensive English Programs; and on U.S. students studying abroad (since 1985).

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