排名源自US News & World Report公布的美国综合院校排名 (2012年),雅思分数由英国大使馆文化教育处提供,数据更新于2011年8月。统计显示,排名前107的112所美国院校当中,89所院校的商学院接受雅思成绩的申请,占79.46%。
排名 |
院校名称(英文) |
院校名称(中文) |
网址 |
雅思分数要求(研究生课程) |
1 |
Stanford University |
斯坦福大学 |
www.gsb.stanford.edu |
Stanford Graduate School of Business: |
* Master of Business Administration only: 7.0 |
2 |
Harvard University |
哈佛大学 |
www.harvard.edu |
Harvard Business School: |
* Master of Business Administration Programs: 7.0 |
3 |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
麻省理工学院 |
www.mit.edu |
Sloan School of Management |
* Ph.D. Program: 7.0 (IELTS preferred) |
3 |
University of Pennsylvania |
宾夕法尼亚大学 |
www.upenn.edu |
* Warton Business School: 暂无认可信息,请咨询学校 |
5 |
Northwestern University |
西北大学 |
www.northwestcollege.edu |
Kellogg School of Management: |
* Ph.D. Program: 7.0 |
5 |
University of Chicago |
芝加哥大学 |
www.uchicago.edu |
* Graduate School of Business: 7.0 |
7 |
Dartmouth College |
达特茅斯学院 |
www.dartmouth.edu |
* Graduate School of Business:暂无认可信息,请咨询学校 |
7 |
University of California--Berkeley |
加州大学伯克利分校 |
www.berkeley.edu |
* Haas School of Business: 7.0 |
9 |
Columbia University |
哥伦比亚大学 |
www.columbia.edu |
* School of Business: 暂无认可信息,请咨询学校 |
10 |
New York University |
纽约大学 |
www.nyu.edu |
* College of Business: 暂无认可信息,请咨询学校 |
10 |
Yale University |
耶鲁大学 |
www.yale.edu |
* School of Management: 7.0 |
12 |
Duke University |
杜克大学 |
www.duke.edu |
* Fuqua School of Business: Contact school for score |
13 |
University of Virginia |
弗吉尼亚大学 |
www.virginia.edu |
* Darden School of Business: 7.0 |
14 |
University of California--Los Angeles |
加州大学洛杉机分校 |
www.ucla.edu |
* Anderson School of Management: 7.0 |
14 |
University of Michigan--Ann Arbor |
密西根大学安娜堡分校 |
www.umich.edu |
* Ross School of Business: 7.0 |
16 |
Cornell University |
康奈尔大学 |
www.cornell.edu |
* Johnson School of Management: 7.0 |
* School of Hotel Administration: 6.0 |
17 |
University of Texas--Austin |
德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校 |
www.utexas.edu |
* McCombs School of Business: 7.5 |
18 |
Carnegie Mellon University |
卡内基梅隆大学 |
www.cmu.edu |
* Tepper School of Business: 暂无认可信息,请咨询学校 |
19 |
University of North Carolina--Chapel Hill |
北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校 |
www.unc.edu |
* Kenan-Flagler Business School: 7.0 |
20 |
Washington University in St. Louis |
圣路易斯华盛顿大学 |
www.wustl.edu |
* Olin Business School: Contact school for score |
21 |
University of Minnesota--Twin Cities |
明尼苏达大学 |
www.umn.edu |
* Carlson School of Management: 7.0 |
21 |
University of Southern California |
南加州大学 |
www.usc.edu |
* Marshall School of Business: 暂无认可信息,请咨询学校 |
23 |
Emory University |
埃默里大学 |
www.emory.edu |
* Goizueta School of Business: 7.0 |
23 |
Indiana University--Bloomington |
印地安那大学伯明顿分校 |
www.indiana.edu |
Kelley School of Business: |
* MBA Program: 7.0 |
25 |
Georgetown University |
乔治城大学 |
www.georgetown.edu |
* McDonough Business School: 7.5 |
25 |
Ohio State University |
俄亥俄州立大学 |
www.osu.edu |
Fisher College of Business: |
* Master of Business Administration: Contact school for score |
* Master of Business Operational Excellence: 8.0 |
* Master of Labor and Human Resources: 7.5 |
27 |
Arizona State University |
亚利桑那州立大学 |
www.asu.edu |
* W.P. Carey School of Business: 6.5 (no subscore below 6.0) |
28 |
Georgia Institute of Technology |
乔治亚理工学院 |
www.gatech.edu |
Case by case, contact school for score |
28 |
University of California--Davis |
加州大学戴维斯分校 |
www.ucdavis.edu |
* Graduate School of Management: 7.0 |
28 |
University of Wisconsin--Madison |
威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校 |
www.wisc.edu |
* Wisconsin School of Business: 暂无认可信息,请咨询学校 |
28 |
Vanderbilt University |
范德堡大学 |
www.vanderbilt.edu |
* Owen Graduate School of Management: 7.0 |
32 |
Brigham Young University |
杨百翰大学 |
www.byu.edu |
* Marriott School of Management: 7.0 |
32 |
Texas A&M University--College Station |
德克萨斯农工大学 |
www.tamu.edu |
* Mays Business School: 6.0 |
34 |
Boston College |
波士顿学院 |
www.bc.edu |
暂无认可信息,请咨询学校 |
34 |
Boston University |
波士顿大学 |
www.bu.edu |
* School of Management: 7.0 |
34 |
Rice University |
莱斯大学 |
www.rice.edu |
* Jesse H. Jones Graduate School of Business: 7.0 |
37 |
University of Illinois--Urbana-Champaign |
伊利诺大学香槟分校 |
illinois.edu |
* College of Business: |
MAS for Accountancy: Speaking score of ≥ 8 |
MSA: Contact school for score |
37 |
University of Notre Dame |
圣母大学 |
www.nd.edu |
* Mendoza College of Business: 暂无认可信息,请咨询学校 |
37 |
University of Washington |
华盛顿大学 |
www.washington.edu |
* Business Administration: 8.0 |
40 |
Pennsylvania State University--University Park |
宾州州立大学 |
www.psu.edu |
* Smeal College of Business (Master of Business Administration): 7.0 |
40 |
Tulane University |
杜兰大学 |
www.tulane.edu |
* A.B Freeman School of Business: Contact school for score |
40 |
University of California--Irvine |
加州大学欧文分校 |
www.uci.edu |
* The Paul Merage School of Business: 7.0 |
40 |
University of Iowa |
爱荷华大学 |
www.uiowa.edu |
* Henry B. Tippie School of Management: 7.0 |
40 |
University of Texas--Dallas |
德克萨斯大学达拉斯分校 |
www.utdallas.edu |
* School of Management: 6.5 |
45 |
University of Maryland--College Park |
马里兰大学帕克分校 |
www.umuc.edu |
* Robert H. Smith School of Business: 7.0 |
45 |
University of Rochester |
罗彻斯特大学 |
www.rochester.edu |
* Simon School of Business: 暂无认可信息,请咨询学校 |
47 |
University of Florida |
佛罗里达大学 |
www.ufl.edu |
* Hough Graduate School of Business, Warrington College of Business Administration: 6.0 |
47 |
Wake Forest University |
维克森林大学 |
www.wfu.edu |
* School of Business: 暂无认可信息,请咨询学校 |
49 |
Michigan State University |
密歇根州立大学 |
www.msu.edu |
* Broad College of Business: 7.0 |
49 |
Purdue University--West Lafayette |
普渡大学西拉法叶校区 |
www.purdue.edu |
* Krannert School of Management: 6.5 |
51 |
University of Arkansas--Fayetteville |
阿肯色大学 |
www.uark.edu |
* Sam Walton College of Business: 6.5 (contact school for subscore minimums) |
52 |
Babson College |
巴布森学院 |
www.babson.edu |
* F.W. Olin Graduate School of Business: 7.0 |
52 |
George Washington University |
乔治华盛顿大学 |
www.gwu.edu |
* Elliot School of International Affairs (Master of Business Administration, MSIST and Ph.D. Programs in School of Business and Public Management): 7.0 (no subscore below 6.0) |
54 |
University of Missouri |
密苏里大学 |
www.missouri.edu |
* College of Business and Public Administration: 6.5 (No band below 5.5) |
54 |
University of South Carolina |
南卡罗来纳大学 |
www.sc.edu |
* Moore School of Business: 6.5 |
56 |
Northeastern University |
东北大学 |
www.northeastern.edu |
* College of Business Administration: |
MBA:已认可,详情请咨询学校? |
57 |
Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey--New Brunswick and Newark |
新泽西州立罗格斯大学新伯朗士威分校 |
www.nbp.rutgers.edu |
* Rutgers Business School: 暂无认可信息,请咨询学校 |
57 |
Southern Methodist University |
南卫理公会大学 |
www.smu.edu |
* Cox School of Business: 暂无认可信息,请咨询学校 |
57 |
University of Georgia |
乔治亚大学 |
www.uga.edu |
* J.M. Tull School of of Accounting: 6.5 |
* Terry College of Business (Master of Business Administration): 6.5 |
60 |
Baylor University |
贝勒大学 |
www.baylor.edu |
Hankamer School of Business |
* MBA programme: 7.0 |
* Graduate Program in Economics: 7.5 |
60 |
University of Massachusetts--Amherst |
麻省阿默斯特大学 |
www.umass.edu |
* Isenberg School of Management: 6.0 |
60 |
University of Tennessee--Knoxville |
田纳西大学 |
www.utk.edu |
* College of Business Administration: 6.5 |
63 |
Auburn University |
奥本大学 |
www.auburn.edu |
* College of Business: 6.5 |
63 |
Claremont Graduate University |
克莱蒙研究大学 |
www.cgu.edu |
* The Peter F. Drucker and Masatoshi Ito Graduate School of Management: 6.5- 7.0 |
63 |
Rochester Institute of Technology |
罗切斯特理工大学 |
www.rit.edu |
* Saunder’s College of Business: 7.0 |
63 |
Temple University |
天普大学 |
www.temple.edu |
* Fox School of Business: |
Master of Accountancy: 7.5? |
63 |
University of Alabama |
阿拉巴马大学 |
www.ua.edu |
* Manderson Graduate School of Business: 6.5 |
63 |
University of Arizona |
亚利桑那大学 |
www.arizona.edu |
* Eller College of Management: 7.0 (contact school for score) |
69 |
Iowa State University |
爱荷华州立大学 |
www.iastate.edu |
* College of Business: 7.0 |
69 |
Syracuse University |
雪城大学 |
www.syr.edu |
*Whitman School of Management: 暂无认可信息,请咨询学校 ? |
69 |
University of Colorado--Boulder |
科罗拉多大学波尔得分校 |
www.colorado.edu |
* Leeds School of Business: |
MBA: 6.0 |
69 |
University of Connecticut |
康涅狄格大学 |
www.uconn.edu |
* Graduate School of Business: 6.5 |
73 |
Bentley University |
本特利大学 |
www.bentley.edu |
* Graduate admissions: 7.0? |
73 |
Virginia Tech |
弗吉尼亚科技大学 |
www.vt.edu |
* Department of Economics (Ph.D. program): 6.0 |
75 |
Pepperdine University |
佩珀代因大学 |
www.pepperdine.edu |
* Graziadio School of Business and Management: 6.5 |
75 |
Santa Clara University |
圣克拉拉大学 |
www.scu.edu |
暂无认可信息,请咨询学校 |
75 |
Thunderbird School of Global Management |
雷鸟商学院 |
www.thunderbird.edu |
Graduate admissions: 7.0 (ESL required: 6.0, English program) |
75 |
University at Buffalo--SUNY |
纽约州立大学水牛城分校 |
www.buffalostate.edu |
* School of Business: 6.0 |
75 |
University of Cincinnati |
辛辛那提大学 |
www.uc.edu |
* College of Business: 6.5 |
80 |
Case Western Reserve University |
凯斯西储大学 |
www.case.edu |
* Weatherhead School of Management: 7.0 |
80 |
Texas Christian University |
德克萨斯基督教大学 |
www.tcu.edu |
* Neely School of Business: 7.0 |
80 |
University of Utah |
犹他大学 |
www.utah.edu |
* David Eccles School of Business: 7.0 |
83 |
College of William and Mary |
威廉玛丽学院 |
www.wm.edu |
* Mason School of Business: 6.0 |
* Master of Business Administration: 6.5 |
* Master of Accounting: 8.0 |
83 |
North Carolina State University |
北卡罗来纳州立大学 |
www.ncsu.edu |
* Poole College of Management: |
MBA: 7.5 |
85 |
CUNY Bernard M. Baruch College |
纽约市立大学柏鲁克学院 |
www.baruch.cuny.edu |
* Zicklin School of Business: 暂无认可信息,请咨询学校 |
85 |
University of Miami |
迈阿密大学 |
www.miami.edu |
* School of Business Administration: 6.5 |
85 |
University of Pittsburgh |
匹兹堡大学 |
www.pitt.edu |
* Joseph M. Katz Graduate School of Business and College of Business Administration (Master of Business Administration): 7.0 |
* Joseph M. Katz Graduate School of Business and College of Business Administration (Executive Master of Business Administration): 7.0 |
85 |
Worcester Polytechnic Institute |
伍斯特理工大学 |
www.wpi.edu |
* School of Business: |
Graduate Business Programs: 6.5 |
89 |
DePaul University |
德保罗大学 |
www.depaul.edu |
* Kellstadt Graduate School of Business: 7.0 (单科不低于6.5) |
89 |
Louisiana State University--Baton Rouge |
路易斯安那州立大学 |
www.lsu.edu |
* E. J Ourso College of Business: 暂无认可信息,请咨询学校 |
91 |
Howard University |
霍华德大学 |
www.howard.edu |
暂无认可信息,请咨询学校 |
91 |
University of Oklahoma |
俄克拉荷马大学 |
www.ou.edu |
* Michael F. Price College of Business: 7.0 |
91 |
University of Oregon |
俄勒冈大学 |
www.uoregon.edu |
* Lundquist College of Business (Master of Business Administration): 7.5 |
94 |
Florida State University |
佛罗里达州立大学 |
www.fsu.edu |
* College of Business: |
MBA: 7.0 |
94 |
St. Louis University |
圣路易斯大学 |
www.slu.edu |
* John Cook School of Business: |
MBA: 已认可,分数请咨询学校 |
94 |
University of Houston |
休斯顿大学 |
www.uh.edu |
*?Bauer College of Business: 6.5 |
97 |
Fordham University |
福特汉姆大学 |
www.fordham.edu |
* Graduate School of Business: 7.0 |
97 |
Miami University |
迈阿密大学 |
www.muohio.edu |
* Farmer School of Business: 暂无认可信息,请咨询学校 |
97 |
Oklahoma State University |
俄克拉荷马州立大学 |
www.osuit.edu |
暂无认可信息,请咨询学校 |
97 |
Pace University |
佩斯大学 |
www.pace.edu |
*?Lubin School of Business (Master of Business Administration): 6.0 |
101 |
Clarkson University |
克拉克森大学 |
www.clarkson.edu |
* School of Business: 7.0 |
102 |
University of Denver |
丹佛大学 |
www.du.edu |
*?Daniels College of Business: 7.0 |
102 |
University of Kentucky |
肯塔基大学 |
www.uky.edu |
* Gatton College of Business and Economics, Ph.D.: 6.5 |
102 |
University of Mississippi |
密西西比大学 |
www.olemiss.edu |
* School of Business Admission: 暂无认可信息,请咨询学校 |
105 |
Hofstra University |
霍夫斯特拉大学 |
www.hofstra.edu |
* Frank G. Zarb School of Business: 暂无认可信息,请咨询学校 |
105 |
University of Kansas |
堪萨斯大学 |
www.ku.edu |
* School of Business Administration: 6.0 (单科不低于5.5) ESL:5.5 (单科不低于5.0) |
107 |
Abilene Christian University |
艾柏林基督大学 |
www.acu.edu |
* Master of Accountancy: 5.5 |
107 |
Binghamton University--SUNY |
纽约州立大学宾厄姆顿分校 |
www.binghamton.edu |
* School of Management: 6.5 |
107 |
Drexel University |
德雷塞尔大学 |
www.drexel.edu |
* Master of Science in Finance: Contact school for score |
107 |
Portland State University |
波特兰州立大学 |
www.pdx.edu |
* School of Business Administration: 6.5 (阅读和写作不低于6.5) |
107 |
Rollins College |
罗林斯学院 |
www.rollins.edu |
* Crummer Graduate School of Business: 暂无认可信息,请咨询学校 |
107 |
University of Hawaii--Manoa |
夏威夷大学马诺分校 |
www.uhm.hawaii.edu |
Shidler College of Business |
* Master of Business Administration: 7.0 |
* U.S. International Master of Business Administration: 5.0 |