排名源自US News & World Report公布的美国综合院校排名 (2012年),雅思分数由英国大使馆文化教育处提供,数据更新于2011年10月。统计显示,综合排名前194的202所美国院校当中,173所院校的本科课程接受雅思成绩的申请,占85.64%;194所院校的研究生课程接受雅思成绩的申请,占96.04%。
排名 |
院校名称 |
所在地 |
雅思分数要求 (本科课程) |
雅思分数要求 (研究生课程) |
1 |
Harvard University |
Cambridge, MA |
暂无认可信息,请咨询学校 |
LASPAU: 已认可,具体分数请咨询学校 |
哈佛大学 |
MBA: 7.0 |
Doctoral Programs: 7.0 |
Harvard School of Public Health: 7.0 |
2 |
Princeton University |
Princeton, NJ |
暂无认可信息,请咨询学校 |
Graduate admissions: 7.0 |
普林斯顿大学 |
3 |
Yale University |
New Haven, CT |
7.0 |
Graduate admissions: 7.0 (some schools or departments may require a higher score) |
耶鲁大学 |
Divinity School and Institute for Sacred Music: 7.0 |
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences: 已认可,具体分数请咨询学校 |
School of Forestry and Environmental Studies: 已认可,具体分数请咨询学校 |
School of Management: 7.0 |
4 |
Columbia University |
New York, NY |
7.0 |
Graduate admissions: 7.0 |
哥伦比亚大学 |
FFu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science: 已认可,具体分数请咨询学校 |
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences: 7.0 |
Graduate School of Journalism: 8.5 |
Master of Arts Program in Climate and Society: 7.0 |
School of International and Public Affairs: 7.0 |
5 |
California Institute of Technology |
Pasadena, CA |
暂无认可信息,请咨询学校 |
Graduate admissions: 7.0 |
加州理工学院 |
5 |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Cambridge, MA |
暂无认可信息,请咨询学校 |
School of Architecture and Planning |
麻省理工学院 |
* Dept. of Architecture: 7.0 (7.5 for PhD History, Theory/Criticism of Architecture and Art) |
* Dept. of Urban Studies/Planning: 7.0 |
* Media Arts and Sciences: 7.0 |
* Center for Real Estate: 7.0 (更倾向于雅思) |
School of Engineering |
* Aeronautics and Astronautics: 7.0 |
* Chemical Engineering: 7.0 |
* Civil and Environmental Engineering: 7.0 |
* Computation for Design and Optimization: 7.0 (更倾向于雅思) |
* Electrical Engineering and Computer Science: 7.5 |
* Engineering Systems Division: 7.5 |
* Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology: 7.0 (更倾向于雅思) |
* Master of Engineering in Manufacturing: 已认可,具体分数请咨询学校(更倾向于雅思) |
* Materials Science and Engineering: 6.0 (更倾向于雅思) |
* Mechanical Engineering: 7.0 |
* Nuclear Science & Engineering: 7.0 (更倾向于雅思) |
5 |
Stanford University |
Stanford, CA |
无具体分数要求,请咨询学校 |
MBA: 7.0 |
斯坦福大学 |
5 |
University of Chicago |
Chicago, IL |
7 |
Graduate admissions: 7.0 |
芝加哥大学 |
Graduate School of Business: 7.0 |
The Law School: 7.0 |
5 |
University of Pennsylvania |
Philadelphia, PA |
暂无认可信息,请咨询学校 |
Graduate Division of Arts & Sciences: 6.5 |
宾西法尼亚大学 |
Computer and Information Science Graduate Programs: 7.5 |
Annenberg School of Communications: 已认可,具体分数请咨询学校 |
Fels School of Government: 已认可,具体分数请咨询学校 |
Master of Biotechnology: 7.5 |
Graduate School of Design: 7.0 |
Graduate School of Education: 7.0 |
School of Nursing: 7.0 |
School of Social Policy and Practice: 7.0 |
School of Law: 7.0 |
10 |
Duke University |
Durham, NC |
7 |
Graduate admissions: 7.0 |
杜克大学 |
Fuqua School of Business: 已认可,具体分数请咨询学校 |
Nicholas School of the Environment: 7.0 |
School of Nursing: 7.0 |
School of Law: 7.5 |
11 |
Dartmouth College |
Hanover, NH |
7 |
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences: 7.0 |
达特茅斯学院 |
Tuck School of Business: 7.0 |
12 |
Northwestern University |
Evanston, IL |
7 |
Graduate admissions: 7.0 |
西北大学 |
Kellogg School of Management, Ph.D. Program: 7.0 |
13 |
Johns Hopkins University |
Baltimore, MD |
暂无认可信息,请咨询学校 |
Bloomberg School of Public Health: 7.0 |
约翰霍普金斯大学 |
Carey Business School: 7.0 |
Krieger Graduate School of Arts and Sciences and Whiting School of Engineering: 7.0 |
School of Medicine (Ph.D.): 7.0 |
School of Nursing: 7.0 |
14 |
Washington University in St. Louis |
St. Louis, MO |
7 |
Graduate admissions: 7.0 |
圣路易斯华盛顿大学 |
15 |
Brown University |
Providence, RI |
已认可,具体分数请咨询学校 |
Graduate admissions: 7.0 |
布朗大学 |
15 |
Cornell University |
Ithaca, NY |
7 |
Johnson School of Management: 7.0 |
康乃尔大学 |
School of Hotel Administration: 6.0 |
17 |
Rice University |
Houston, TX |
暂无认可信息,请咨询学校 |
Graduate admissions: 7.0 |
莱斯大学 |
Jesse H. Jones Graduate School of Business: 7.0 |
17 |
Vanderbilt University |
Nashville, TN |
6.5 |
Owen Graduate School of Management: 7.0 |
范德比特大学 |
School of Nursing: 已认可,具体分数请咨询学校 |
Master of Science in Nursing: 已认可,具体分数请咨询学校 |
Master of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics: 已认可,具体分数请咨询学校 |
19 |
University of Notre Dame |
Notre Dame, IN |
7 |
Graduate admissions: 7.0 |
圣母大学 |
University of Notre Dame Law School (JD, LLM, JSD): 7.5 |
20 |
Emory University |
Atlanta, GA |
暂无认可信息,请咨询学校 |
Department of Chemistry: Contact school for score |
埃默里大学 |
Goizueta School of Business: 7.0 |
Rollins School of Public Health: 6.0 |
21 |
University of California—Berkeley |
Berkeley, CA |
7 |
Graduate admissions: 7.0 |
加州大学伯克利分校 |
Haas School of Business: 7.0 |
School of Law: 7.0 |
22 |
Georgetown University |
Washington, DC |
暂无认可信息,请咨询学校 |
Graduate admissions: 7.0 |
乔治城大学 |
Edmund Walsh School of Foreign Service: 已认可,具体分数请咨询学校 |
Nursing and Health Science: 7.0 |
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences: 7.0 |
McDonough Business School: 7.5 |
Georgetown, School of Law: 7.0 (单项不低于6.5) |
23 |
Carnegie Mellon University |
Pittsburgh, PA |
7 |
已认可,具体分数请咨询学校 |
卡内基梅隆大学 |
23 |
University of Southern California |
Los Angeles, CA |
暂无认可信息,请咨询学校 |
School of Cinematic Arts, The Peter Stark Producing Program: 7.0 |
南加州大学 |
Viterbi School of Engineering, M.S. in Materials Science, M.S in Materials Engineering: 已认可,具体分数请咨询学校 |
25 |
University of California--Los Angeles |
Los Angeles, CA |
7 |
Graduate admissions: 7.0 |
加州大学洛杉矶分校 |
Anderson School of Management: 7.0 |
25 |
University of Virginia |
Charlottesville, VA |
7 |
Graduate admissions: 7.0 |
弗吉尼亚大学 |
Darden School of Business: 7.0 |
University of Virginia, School of Law: 7.5 |
25 |
Wake Forest University |
Winston-Salem, NC |
暂无认可信息,请咨询学校 |
Graduate admissions: 6.5 |
维克森林大学 |
Wake Forest University School of Law: 7.0 |
28 |
University of Michigan--Ann Arbor |
Ann Arbor, MI |
6.5 |
Graduate admissions: 6.5 |
密西根大学安娜堡分校 |
Ross School of Business: 7.0 |
School of Social Work: 7.0 |
Law School: 7.0 |
29 |
Tufts University |
Medford, MA |
7 |
Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine: 已认可,具体分数请咨询学校 |
塔夫茨大学 |
Department of Economics: 7.5 |
Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy: 7.0 |
Graduate Arts, Sciences and Engineering: 6.5 |
Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, LLM: 7.0 |
29 |
University of North Carolina--Chapel Hill |
Chapel Hill, NC |
7 |
Graduate admissions: 7.0 |
北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校 |
Kenan-Flagler Business School: 7.0 |
31 |
Boston College |
Chestnut Hill, MA |
暂无认可信息,请咨询学校 |
暂无认可信息,请咨询学校 |
波士顿学院 |
31 |
Brandeis University |
Waltham, MA |
7 |
Graduate admissions: 7.0 |
布兰迪斯大学 |
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences: 7.0 |
Heller Graduate School (SID Program): 6.5 |
International Business School: 7.0 |
SLIFKA Program in Intercommunal Coexistence: 7.0 |
33 |
College of William and Mary |
Williamsburg, VA |
7 |
Mason School of Business: 6.0 |
威廉玛丽学院 |
Master of Business Administration program: 6.5 |
Master of Accounting Program: 8.0 |
33 |
New York University |
New York, NY |
7 |
College of Dentistry, Advanced Programs for International Dentists: 已认可,具体分数请咨询学校 |
纽约大学 |
Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service: 已认可,具体分数请咨询学校 |
Tisch School of the Arts已认可,具体分数请咨询学校 |
35 |
University of Rochester |
Rochester, NY |
7.0 (单科成绩不低于6.5) |
School of Medicine and Dentistry: 7.0 |
罗彻斯特大学 |
Warner School of Education: 已认可,具体分数请咨询学校 |
36 |
Georgia Institute of Technology |
Atlanta, GA |
7.0 (交换学生) |
Case by case |
乔治亚理工学院 |
37 |
University of California--San Diego |
La Jolla, CA |
7 |
Graduate admissions: 7.0 |
加州大学圣地亚哥分校 |
Graduate School of International Relations & Pacific Studies: 7.0 |
Rady School of Management: Master of Business Administration and Ph.D programs: 7.0 |
38 |
Case Western Reserve University |
Cleveland, OH |
6.5 |
Graduate admissions: 6.5 |
凯斯西储大学 |
School of Law, LLM in US Legal Studies: 7.0 |
38 |
Lehigh University |
Bethlehem, PA |
7 |
暂无认可信息,请咨询学校 |
里海大学 |
38 |
University of California—Davis |
Davis, CA |
7 |
Graduate admissions: 7.0 |
加州大学戴维斯分校 |
Graduate School of Management: 7.0 |
38 |
University of Miami |
Coral Gables, FL |
6.5 |
Graduate admissions: 6.5 |
迈阿密大学 |
School of Business Administration: 6.5 |
42 |
University of California--Santa Barbara |
Santa Barbara, CA |
7 |
Graduate admissions: 7.0 |
加州大学圣塔芭芭拉分校 |
42 |
University of Washington |
Seattle, WA |
7 |
Graduate admissions: 7.0 (有条件录取: 6.0) |
华盛顿大学 |
School of Law: 7.0 |
42 |
University of Wisconsin—Madison |
Madison, WI |
6 |
Graduate admissions: 7.0 ( |
威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校 |
有条件录取 6.0) |
Law School: 7.0 |
45 |
Pennsylvania State University--University Park |
University Park, PA |
6.5 |
Graduate admissions: 6.5 |
宾州州立大学 |
Smeal College of Business Master of Business Administration Program: 7.0 |
Dickinson School of Law: 7.0 |
45 |
University of California—Irvine |
Irvine, CA |
7 |
Graduate admissions: 7.0 |
加州大学欧文分校 |
The Paul Merage School of Business: 7.0 |
45 |
University of Illinois--Urbana-Champaign |
Champaign, IL |
6.5 (单科成绩不低于 6.0) |
Graduate admissions: 6.5 (单项不低于6.0) |
伊利诺伊大学厄本那香槟分校 |
College of Law: 6.5 |
45 |
University of Texas--Austin |
Austin, TX |
6.5 |
Graduate admissions: 6.5 |
德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校 |
McCombs School of Business: 7.5 |
School of Law (Master of Law Program): 7.0 |
45 |
Yeshiva University |
New York, NY |
暂无认可信息,请咨询学校 |
暂无认可信息,请咨询学校 |
叶史瓦大学 |
50 |
George Washington University |
Washington, DC |
6.5 |
College of Professional Studies: 6.0 (单项不低于5.0) |
乔治华盛顿大学 |
Columbian College of Arts and Sciences: 6.0 (单项不低于5.0) |
Graduate School of Human Development: 6.0 (单项不低于5.0) |
Elliot School of International Affairs (Master of Business Administration, MSIST and Ph.D. Programs in School of Business and Public Management): 7.0 (单项不低于6.0) |
School of Engineering and Applied Sciences 6.0 (单项不低于5.0) |
School of Law: 6.0 |
50 |
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute |
Troy, NY |
7 |
Graduate admissions: 7.0 |
伦斯勒理工学院 |
50 |
Tulane University |
New Orleans, LA |
6.5 |
Freeman School of Business: 已认可,具体分数请咨询学校 |
杜兰大学 |
School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine: 已认可,具体分数请咨询学校 |
Law School: 7.0 |
53 |
Boston University |
Boston, MA |
7 |
Graduate admissions: 7.0 |
波士顿大学 |
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences: 6.5 |
College of Engineering : 6.5 |
School of Education: 6.5 (7.0 for TESOL) |
School of Management: 7.0 |
School of Public Health: 6.0" |
School of Law: 7.0 |
53 |
Fordham University |
New York, NY |
6.5 |
Graduate admissions: 7.0 |
福特汉姆大学 |
55 |
Pepperdine University |
Malibu, CA |
6.5 |
Graduate admissions: 6.5 |
佩珀代因大学 |
Graziadio School of Business and Management: 6.5 |
School of Public Policy: 6.5 |
55 |
University of Maryland--College Park |
College Park, MD |
7.0 (有条件录取: 6.5) |
Graduate admissions: 7.0 (有条件录取: 6.5) |
马里兰大学帕克分校 |
Robert H. Smith School of Business: 7.0 |
58 |
Texas A&M University--College Station |
College Station, TX |
6 |
Graduate admissions: 6.0 |
德克萨斯农业机械大学 |
Mays Business School: 6.0 |
Health Science Center: 6.0 |
58 |
University of Connecticut |
Storrs, CT |
6.5 |
Graduate admissions: 6.5 |
康涅狄格大学 |
Graduate School of Business: 6.5 |
School of Dental Medicine: 6.5-7.0 (具体分数请咨询学校) |
School of Pharmacy: 7.5 |
Teaching Assistant Program (TAP): 8.0 (Speaking) |
58 |
University of Florida |
Gainesville, FL |
6 |
Graduate admissions: 6.0 |
佛罗里达大学 |
Hough Graduate School of Business, Warrington College of Business Administration: 6.0 |
58 |
University of Pittsburgh |
Pittsburgh, PA |
6.5 |
Graduate admissions: 6.5 |
匹兹堡大学 |
Joseph M. Katz Graduate School of Business and College of Business Administration, Master of Business Administration: 7.0 |
Joseph M. Katz Graduate School of Business and College of Business Administration, Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA): 7.0 |
School of Law: 7.0 |
62 |
Northeastern University |
Boston, MA |
6 |
暂无认可信息,请咨询学校 |
东北大学 |
62 |
Purdue University--West Lafayette |
West Lafayette, IN |
6.5 |
Graduate admissions: 6.5 |
普渡大学西拉法叶校区 |
62 |
Southern Methodist University |
Dallas, TX |
6.5 |
Graduate admissions: 6.5 |
南卫理公会大学 |
62 |
Syracuse University |
Syracuse, NY |
6.5 (S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications: 7.0) |
College of Visual and Performing Arts: 7.0 |
雪城大学 |
Maxwell School: 7.0 |
S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications: 7.0 |
School of Information Studies: 已认可,具体分数请咨询学校 |
Smith College of Engineering and Computer Science: 已认可,具体分数请咨询学校 |
62 |
University of Georgia |
Athens, GA |
7 |
Graduate admissions: 6.5 |
乔治亚大学 |
J.M. Tull School of of Accounting: 6.5 |
Terry College of Business (Master of Business Administration): 6.5 |
62 |
Worcester Polytechnic Institute |
Worcester, MA |
6.5 |
Graduate admissions: 6.5 |
伍斯特理工学院 |
68 |
Clemson University |
Clemson, SC |
暂无认可信息,请咨询学校 |
已认可,具体分数请咨询学校 |
克莱姆森大学 |
68 |
Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey--New Brunswick |
Piscataway, NJ |
7 |
Graduate admissions: 7.0 |
罗格斯新泽西州立大学新伯朗士威校区 |
68 |
University of Minnesota--Twin Cities |
Minneapolis, MN |
6.5 (具体分数请咨询学校) |
Graduate admissions: 6.5 |
明尼苏达大学双子城分校 |
Carlson School of Management: 7.0 |
School of Journalism and Mass Communication: 已认可,具体分数请咨询学校 |
School of Music: 6.5 |
School of Public Health: 7.0 |
Law School: 6.5 |
71 |
Brigham Young University—Provo |
Provo, UT |
6.5 (口语成绩不低于 6.5 ; 其他单科成绩不低于 6.0) |
Graduate admissions: 7.0 |
杨百翰大学 |
Marriott School of Management: 7.0 |
J. Reuben Clark Law School: 7.0 |
71 |
Michigan State University |
East Lansing, MI |
6.5 |
Graduate admissions: 6.5 |
密西根州立大学 |
College of Law: 已认可,具体分数请咨询学校 |
71 |
University of Iowa |
Iowa City, IA |
6.5 (单科成绩不低于 6.0) |
Graduate admissions: 7.0 |
爱荷华大学 |
Henry B. Tippie School of Management: 7.0 |
School of Law: 7.0 |
71 |
Virginia Tech |
Blacksburg, VA |
6.5 |
Graduate admissions: 6.0 |
弗吉尼亚科技大学 |
College of Natural Resources: Geospatial and Environmental Analysis Doctoral Program: 6.0 |
Department of Economics (Ph.D. program): 6.0 |
School of Architecture and Design: Master of Landscape Architecture (MLA): 6.5 |
Master of Education: 7.0 |
MS in Biomedical Technology Development and Management: 7.0 |
College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences: Department of English: 8.0 |
75 |
Baylor University |
Waco, TX |
6 |
Graduate admissions: 6.5 |
贝勒大学 |
75 |
Colorado School of Mines科罗拉多矿业大学 |
Golden, CO |
6 |
Graduate admissions: 6.5 |
75 |
Indiana University—Bloomington |
Bloomington, IN |
School of Music: 6.5 |
Graduate admissions: 6.5 |
印地安那大学伯明顿分校 |
School of Law: 7.0 |
75 |
University of Alabama |
Tuscaloosa, AL |
6 |
Graduate admissions: 6.5 |
阿拉巴马大学 |
Manderson Graduate School of Business: 6.5 |
School of Law: 6.5 |
75 |
University of California--Santa Cruz |
Santa Cruz, CA |
7 |
Graduate admissions: 7.0 |
加州大学圣克鲁兹分校 |
75 |
University of Delaware |
Newark, DE |
6.5 |
Graduate admissions: 6.5 (单项不低于6.0) |
德拉华大学 |
Alfred Lerner College of Business and Economics: 7.5 |
MS Accounting: 7.0 |
Department of Health, Nutrition, and Exercise Sciences |
Master's Degree (MS) Program In Human Nutrition: 7.5 |
75 |
University of Tulsa |
Tulsa, OK |
5 |
Graduate admissions: 6.0 |
塔尔萨大学 |
82 |
American University |
Washington, DC |
6.5 |
Graduate admissions: 7.0 |
美国大学 |
College of Arts and Sciences: 7.0 |
Kogod School of Business: 7.0 |
School of International Service: 7.0 |
School of Public Affairs: 7.0 |
Washington College of Law: 7.0 |
82 |
Auburn University |
Auburn University, AL |
暂无认可信息,请咨询学校 |
Graduate admissions: 6.5 |
奥本大学 |
College of Business: 6.5 |
College of Veterinary Medicine: 6.5 |
Department of Communication and Journalism: 6.5 |
Harrison School of Pharmacy: 6.5 |
School of Nursing: 6.5 |
82 |
Marquette University |
Milwaukee, WI |
6.5 |
Graduate admissions: 6.5 (单项不低于6.0) |
马凯特大学 |
82 |
SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry |
Syracuse, NY |
6.0 (写作成绩不低于 5.0 ) |
Graduate admissions: 6.0 (写作成绩不低于5.0) |
美国纽约州立大学环境科学与林业科学学院 |
82 |
University of Denver |
Denver, CO |
6 |
Graduate admissions: 7.0 (有条件录取: 6.0) |
丹佛大学 |
(单科成绩不低于5.5) |
Daniels College of Business: 7.0 |
Sturm College of Law: 7.0 |
82 |
University of Vermont |
Burlington, VT |
6.5 |
暂无认可信息,请咨询学校 |
佛蒙特大学 |
88 |
Drexel University |
Philadelphia, PA |
6.5 |
暂无认可信息,请咨询学校 |
德雷塞尔大学 |
88 |
Stevens Institute of Technology |
Hoboken, NJ |
7 |
Graduate admissions: 7.0 |
斯蒂文斯理工学院 |
90 |
Binghamton University—SUNY |
Binghamton, NY |
6.5 |
Graduate admissions: 6.5 |
纽约州立大学宾厄姆顿分校 |
90 |
Miami University—Oxford |
Oxford, OH |
6 |
Graduate admissions: 6.5 |
迈阿密大学牛津分校 |
90 |
St. Louis University |
St. Louis, MO |
6 |
6.5 (7.0 assistantship) |
圣路易斯大学 |
90 |
University of Missouri |
Columbia, MO |
College of Agriculture: 6.0 (单科成绩不低于 5.0) |
Graduate admissions:5.5 (individual programs may require higher scores) |
密苏里大学 |
College of Arts and Science: 6.5 (单科成绩不低于 5.5) |
University of Missouri, School of Law: Contact school for score |
College of Business and Public Administration: 6.5 (单科成绩不低于 5.5) |
College of Education: 7.0 (单科成绩不低于 6.0) |
College of Engineering: 6.0 (单科成绩不低于 5.0) |
School of Health Professions: 7.0 (单科成绩不低于 6.0) |
College of Human Environmental Sciences: 6.0 (单科成绩不低于 5.0) |
School of Journalism: 7.0 (单科成绩不低于 6.0) |
School of Natural Resources: 6.0 (单科成绩不低于 5.0) |
School of Nursing: 7.0 (单科成绩不低于 6.0) |
94 |
Clark University |
Worcester, MA |
6.5 |
Graduate admissions: 6.5 |
克拉克大学 |
Graduate School Economics Department: 7.0 |
Graduate School of Management: 6.5 |
94 |
University of Colorado—Boulder |
Boulder, CO |
6.0 (Undergraduate Engineering: 6.5) |
Graduate admissions: 6.0 |
科罗拉多大学波尔得分校 |
94 |
University of Massachusetts—Amherst |
Amherst, MA |
6.5 |
暂无认可信息,请咨询学校 |
麻省阿默斯特大学 |
97 |
Iowa State University |
Ames, IA |
6.0 (单科成绩不低于 5.5; |
6.5 (具体分数请咨询学校) |
爱荷华州立大学 |
Undergraduate Engineering: 6.0) |
97 |
Texas Christian University德克萨斯基督教大学 |
Fort Worth, TX |
6.5 |
Graduate admissions:6.5 |
Neely School of Business: 7.0 |
97 |
University of California—Riverside |
Riverside, CA |
7 |
Graduate admissions:7.0 |
加州大学河滨分校 |
97 |
University of San Diego |
San Diego, CA |
6.5 |
Graduate admissions:7.0 |
圣地亚哥大学 |
School of Business Administration, Master of Business Administration: 7.0 |
101 |
Florida State University |
Tallahassee, FL |
6.5 |
Graduate admissions: 6.5 |
佛罗里达州立大学 |
101 |
North Carolina State University—Raleigh |
Raleigh, NC |
6.5 |
Graduate admissions: 6.5 |
北卡罗来纳州立大学 |
101 |
University of Dayton |
Dayton, OH |
6 |
Graduate admissions: 6.5 (有条件录取: 6.0) |
达顿大学 |
101 |
University of Kansas |
Lawrence, KS |
已认可,具体分数请咨询学校 |
Graduate admissions: 6.5 |
堪萨斯大学 |
School of Business admissions: 6.0 (单项不低于5.5) |
Provisional admissions (有条件录取): 5.5 (单项不低于5.0) |
101 |
University of Nebraska—Lincoln |
Lincoln, NE |
6 |
Graduate admissions: 7.0 (有条件录取: 6.0) |
内布拉斯加大学林肯分校 |
101 |
University of New Hampshire |
Durham, NH |
6.5 |
Graduate admissions: 6.5 |
新罕布什尔大学 |
Law School: 6.5 |
101 |
University of Oklahoma |
Norman, OK |
6.5 |
Graduate admissions: 6.5 |
俄克拉荷马大学 |
Michael F. Price College of Business: 7.0 |
101 |
University of Oregon |
Eugene, OR |
6 |
Graduate admissions: 7.0 |
俄勒冈大学 |
Lundquist College of Business (Master of Business Administration): 7.5 |
School of Law: 7.0 |
101 |
University of Tennessee |
Knoxville, TN |
6.5 |
Graduate admissions: 6.5 |
田纳西大学 |
101 |
University of the Pacific |
Stockton, CA |
6.5 |
Thomas J. Long School of Pharmacy and Health Sciences Pharm.D.: 6.5 |
太平洋大学 |
(有条件录取: 5.0) |
(有条件录取: 5.0) |
McGeorge School of Law: 已认可,具体分数请咨询学校 |
111 |
Illinois Institute of Technology |
Chicago, IL |
6.5 |
Graduate admissions: 6.5 |
伊利诺理工大学 |
Stuart School of Business: Contact school for score |
111 |
SUNY--Stony Brook |
Stony Brook, NY |
6.5 |
Graduate admissions:7.0 |
纽约州立大学石溪分校 |
School of Professional Development: 6.5 |
111 |
University at Buffalo--SUNY纽约州立大学水牛城分校 |
Buffalo, NY |
6.5 |
Graduate admissions: 6.0 |
111 |
University of South Carolina南卡罗来纳大学哥伦比亚分校 |
Columbia, SC |
6.5 |
Graduate admissions: 6.5 |
Geological Sciences: 6.5 |
Moore School of Business: 6.5 |
115 |
Howard University |
Washington, DC |
暂无认可信息,请咨询学校 |
暂无认可信息,请咨询学校 |
霍华德大学 |
115 |
Michigan Technological University |
Houghton, MI |
6.5 |
Graduate admissions: 6.5 |
密歇根理工大学 |
115 |
University of St. Thomas圣·托马斯大学 |
St. Paul, MN |
6.5 |
Graduate admissions: 6.5 |
115 |
Washington State University |
Pullman, WA |
5.5 |
Graduate admissions: 7.0 |
华盛顿州立大学 |
119 |
Catholic University of America |
Washington, DC |
6.5 |
Graduate admissions: 7.0 (具体分数请咨询学校) |
美国天主教大学 |
119 |
Clarkson University |
Potsdam, NY |
6.5 |
Graduate admissions: 6.5 |
克拉克森大学 |
School of Business: 7.0 |
119 |
Duquesne University |
Pittsburgh, PA |
7 |
已认可,具体分数请咨询学校 |
杜肯大学 |
119 |
Loyola University Chicago芝加哥洛约拉大学 |
Chicago, IL |
6.5 |
Graduate admissions: 6.5 |
Graduate School of Business: 6.5 |
119 |
University of San Francisco |
San Francisco, CA |
6.0 (单科成绩不低于 5.5) |
College of Professional Studies: 7.0 |
旧金山大学 |
Masagung Graduate School of Management: 7.0 |
Office of Graduate Studies: 6.5-7.0 |
School of Arts and Sciences: 7.0 |
School of Education: 6.5 (Master of Arts); 7.0 (Ph.D.) |
School of Nursing: 7.0 |
School of Law: 7.0 |
124 |
Ohio University |
Athens, OH |
6.5 |
Graduate admissions: 7.0 |
俄亥俄大学 |
124 |
University of Arizona |
Tucson, AZ |
6.5 |
Graduate admissions: 7.0 |
亚利桑那大学 |
College of Public Health: 7.0 |
Eller College of Management: 7.0 (具体分数请咨询学校) |
Rogers College of Law: 7.0 |
124 |
University of Kentucky |
Lexington, KY |
6 |
Graduate admissions: 6.5 |
肯塔基大学 |
Gatton College of Business and Economics, Ph.D.: 6.5 |
124 |
University of Utah |
Salt Lake City, UT |
5 |
5 |
犹他大学 |
128 |
Colorado State University |
Fort Collins, CO |
6.0 (有条件录取: 5.0) |
Graduate admissions: 6.0 |
科罗拉多州立大学 |
College of Business: 6.5 |
128 |
Hofstra University |
Hempstead, NY |
暂无认可信息,请咨询学校 |
School of Law: 7.0 |
霍夫斯特拉大学 |
128 |
Louisiana State University--Baton Rouge |
Baton Rouge, LA |
6.5 |
Graduate admissions: 6.5 |
路易斯安那州立大学 |
128 |
New School |
New York, NY |
General Studies: 7.0 |
纽约新校 |
7.0( The New School |
Master of Arts in TESOL: 7.0 |
for Jazz and |
Master of Fine Arts Program in Creative Writing |
Contemporary Music: 7.0) |
Milano, The New School for Management and Urban Policy: 7.0 |
Social Research: 7.0 |
132 |
Arizona State University |
Tempe, AZ |
6.0 |
Graduate admissions: 6.5 |
亚利桑那州立大学 |
W.P. Carey School of Business: 6.5 (单项不低于 6.0) |
Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law: 6.5 (单项不低于6.0) |
132 |
DePaul University |
Chicago, IL |
6.5 |
Graduate admissions: 6.5 |
帝保罗大学 |
College of Computing and Digital Media: 6.5 |
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences: 7.5 |
College of Law: 6.5 |
132 |
Oklahoma State University |
Stillwater, OK |
6.0 |
Graduate admissions: 6.5 |
俄克拉荷马州立大学 |
132 |
Seton Hall University |
South Orange, NJ |
Whitehead School of Diplomacy |
Whitehead School of Diplomacy and |
薛顿贺尔大学 |
and International Relations: 6.5 |
International Relations: 6.5 |
132 |
Temple University |
Philadelphia, PA |
6.0 |
Graduate admissions: 6.5 |
天普大学 |
School of Pharmacy: 6.5 |
Beasly School of Law: 6.5 |
132 |
University of Arkansas |
Fayetteville, AR |
6.5 |
Graduate admissions: 6.5 (contact school for subscore minimums) |
阿肯萨斯大学 |
Sam Walton College of Business: 6.5 (contact school for subscore minimums) |
College of Law: 6.5 |
138 |
George Mason University |
Fairfax, VA |
6.5 |
Graduate admissions: 6.5 |
乔治梅森大学 |
138 |
New Jersey Institute of Technology |
Newark, NJ |
6.0 |
Graduate admissions: 6.5 (单项不低于6.0) |
新泽西理工大学 |
138 |
Oregon State University |
Corvallis, OR |
5.0 |
Graduate admissions: 6.0 |
俄勒冈州立大学 |
138 |
Polytechnic Institute of New York University |
Brooklyn, NY |
已认可,具体分数请咨询学校 |
Graduate admissions: 6.5 |
纽约大学理工学院 |
138 |
University at Albany—SUNY |
Albany, NY |
6.0 |
Graduate admissions: 6.5 |
纽约州立大学奥尔巴尼分校 |
143 |
Kansas State University |
Manhattan, KS |
6.5 |
Graduate admissions: 6.0 |
堪萨斯州立大学 |
143 |
Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey--Newark |
Newark, NJ |
6.0 |
Graduate admissions: 7.0 |
罗格斯新泽西州立大学纽瓦克校区 |
College of Nursing: 7.0 |
143 |
St. John Fisher College |
Rochester, NY |
暂无认可信息,请咨询学校 |
暂无认可信息,请咨询学校 |
圣约翰费舍尔学院 |
143 |
University of Alabama--Birmingham |
Birmingham, AL |
5.5 |
Graduate admissions: 5.5 |
阿拉巴马大学伯明翰分校 |
School of Public Health: 6.5 |
143 |
University of Cincinnati |
Cincinnati, OH |
Undergraduate: 5.5 |
Graduate admissions: 6.5 |
辛辛那提大学 |
College of Business: 6.5 |
College of Business: 6.5 |
College of Design, Architecture, |
Art and Planning: 6.0 |
College of Engineering: 6.5 |
143 |
University of Mississippi |
University, MS |
5.5 |
Graduate admissions: 5.5 |
密西西比大学 |
143 |
University of Texas--Dallas |
Richardson, TX |
6.0 |
Graduate admissions: 6.5 |
德克萨斯大学达拉斯分校 |
150 |
South Carolina State University |
Orangeburg, SC |
暂无认可信息,请咨询学校 |
暂无认可信息,请咨询学校 |
南卡罗莱纳州立大学 |
152 |
Adelphi University |
Garden City, NY |
6.5 |
Graduate admissions: 6.5 |
阿尔德菲大学 |
152 |
St. John’s University |
Queens, NY |
5.0 |
Graduate admissions: 5.0 |
圣约翰大学 |
School of Law (LLM in U.S. Legal Studies): 7.0 |
152 |
University of La Verne |
La Verne, CA |
5.0 |
Graduate admissions: 6.0 |
拉文大学 |
152 |
University of Maine |
Orono, ME |
6.0 |
Graduate admissions: 6.0 |
缅因大学 |
152 |
University of Wyoming |
Laramie, NY |
5.5 (Engineering: 6.0) |
Graduate admissions: 6.0 |
怀俄明大学 |
157 |
Maryville University of St. Louis |
St Louis, MO |
6.0 |
Graduate admissions: 6.0 |
圣路易斯玛丽维尔大学 |
157 |
University of Maryland--Baltimore County |
Baltimore, MD |
7.0 |
Graduate admissions: 6.5 (具体分数请咨询学校) |
马里兰大学巴尔的摩分校 |
Continuing & Professional Studies, Master of Science in |
Engineering Management: 已认可,具体分数请咨询学校 |
160 |
Illinois State University |
Normal, IL |
6.5 |
Graduate admissions: 6.5 |
伊利诺伊州州立大学 |
Master's in English: 8.0 |
160 |
Texas Tech University |
Lubbock, TX |
6.5 |
Graduate admissions: 6.5 |
德克萨斯科技大学 |
160 |
University of Idaho |
Moscow, ID |
6.0 |
Graduate admissions: 6.0 |
爱达荷大学 |
160 |
University of Rhode Island |
Kingston, RI |
6.5 |
Graduate admissions: 6.5 |
罗德岛大学 |
College of Business Administration: 6.5 |
College of Environmental and Life Sciences: 已认可,具体分数请咨询学校 |
Department of Communication Studies: 已认可,具体分数请咨询学校 |
164 |
Florida Institute of Technology |
Melbourne, FL |
6.5 |
Graduate admissions: 6.5 |
佛罗里达理工学院 |
164 |
San Diego State University |
San Diego, CA |
6.5 |
Graduate admissions: 6.5 |
圣地亚哥州立大学 |
College of Business Administration: 6.5 |
164 |
University of Hawaii—Manoa |
Graduate admissions: 7.0 |
夏威夷马诺大学 |
Shidler College of Business (Master of Business |
Administration): 7.0 |
Shidler College of Business (U.S. International Master |
of Business Administration): 5.0 |
William S. Richardson School of Law: 已认可,具体分数请咨询学校 |
164 |
University of Louisville |
Louisville, KY |
暂无认可信息,请咨询学校 |
Graduate admissions: 6.5 |
路易斯维尔大学 |
Doctor of Philosophy in Interdisciplinary Studies: 6.5 |
164 |
University of North Dakota |
Grand Forks, ND |
6.0 |
Graduate admissions: 6.5 |
北达科他大学 |
164 |
West Virginia University |
Morgantown, WV |
6.0 |
Graduate admissions: 6.5 |
西弗吉尼亚大学 |
170 |
Azusa Pacific University |
Azusa, CA |
5.5 |
Graduate admissions: 7.0 |
阿兹塞太平洋大学 |
School of Business & Management: 7.0 |
170 |
Pace University |
New York, NY |
6.5 |
Graduate admissions: 7.0 |
佩斯大学 |
Dyson College of Arts and Sciences: 6.0 |
Lienard School of Nursing: 6.0 |
Lubin School of Business (Master of Business Administration): 6.0 |
Pace University-Lenox Hill Hospital Physician Assistant Program: 6.0 |
School of Education: 6.0 |
Seidenberg School of Computer Science and Information |
Systems: 6.0 |
170 |
Southern Illinois University--Carbondale |
Carbondale, IL |
6.5 |
Graduate admissions: 6.0 |
南伊利诺伊大学卡本代尔分校 |
School of Law: 已认可,具体分数请咨询学校 |
170 |
Utah State University |
Logan, UT |
5.0 |
Graduate admissions: 6.0 |
犹他州州立大学 |
170 |
Virginia Commonwealth University |
Richmond, VA |
6.0 |
Graduate admissions: 6.5-7.0 |
弗吉尼亚联邦大学 |
177 |
Bowling Green State University |
Bowling Green, OH |
6.0 (单项不低于5.5) |
Graduate admissions: 6.5 (单项不低于6.0) |
博林格林州立大学 |
177 |
St. Mary’s University of Minnesota |
Winona, MN |
5.5 |
Graduate admissions: 6.5 |
明尼苏达圣玛丽大学 |
177 |
University of Central Florida |
Orlando, FL |
6.5 |
Graduate admissions: 6.5 |
中佛罗里达大学 |
177 |
University of Massachusetts--Lowell |
Lowell, MA |
暂无认可信息,请咨询学校 |
暂无认可信息,请咨询学校 |
马萨诸塞大学卢维尔分校 |
181 |
Ball State University |
Muncie, IN |
6.5 |
Graduate admissions: 6.5 |
鲍尔州立大学 |
181 |
North Dakota State University |
Fargo, ND |
6.0 |
已认可,具体分数请咨询学校 |
北达科他州立大学 |
181 |
University of Colorado--Denver |
Denver, CO |
6.0 |
Graduate admissions: 5.5-6.0 |
科罗拉多大学丹佛校区 |
Graduate School of Business: 6.0 |
181 |
University of Missouri--Kansas City |
Kansas City, MO |
5.5 |
Bloch School of Business and Public Administration: 6.0 |
密苏里大学堪萨斯城分校 |
Graduate and Professional School admissions: 6.0 |
School of Law: 5.5 |
181 |
University of Nevada--Reno |
Reno, NV |
6.0 |
Graduate admissions: 6.5 (Assistantship: 7.0) |
内华达大学里诺校区 |
College of Business Administration (Master of Business Administration): 7.0 |
181 |
University of New Mexico |
Albuquerque, NM |
6.5 |
Graduate admissions: 7.0 |
新墨西哥大学 |
181 |
University of South Florida |
Tampa, FL |
6.5 |
Graduate admissions: 6.5 |
南佛罗里达大学 |
181 |
Western Michigan University |
Kalamazoo, MI |
6.5 (有条件录取: 6.0) |
Graduate admissions: 6.5 (有条件录取: 6.0) |
西密歇根大学 |
181 |
Widener University |
Chester, PA |
6.0 |
Graduate admissions: 7.0 |
威得恩大学 |
Center for Education: 7.0 |
School of Business Administration: 7.0 |
School of Engineering: 7.0 |
School of Hospitality Management: 7.0 |
190 |
Ashland University |
Ashland, OH |
6.0 |
Graduate admissions: 6.5 |
阿什兰大学 |
190 |
Montana State University |
Bozeman, MT |
6.0 |
Graduate admissions: 7.0 |
蒙大拿州立大学 |
190 |
University of Alabama--Huntsville |
Huntsville, AL |
5.5 |
Graduate admissions: 5.5 |
阿拉巴马大学汉茨维尔分校 |
190 |
University of North Carolina--Greensboro |
Greensboro, NC |
6.5 |
Graduate admissions: 6.5 |
北卡罗来纳大学格林波若分校 |
194 |
East Carolina University |
Greenville, NC |
6.0 |
Graduate admissions: 6.0 |
东卡罗莱纳大学 |
194 |
Immaculata University |
Immaculata, PA |
6.0 |
Graduate admissions: 6.5 |
依马库雷塔大学 |
194 |
Kent State University |
Kent, OH |
6.0 |
Graduate admissions: 6.0 |
肯特州立大学 |
College of Business Administration: 6.0 |
Department of Geology: 6.0 |
Department of Physics: 6.5 |
Master of Science in Financial Engineering: 5.5 |
The School of Library and Information Science: 7.0 |
194 |
Louisiana Tech University |
Ruston, LA |
6.5 |
Graduate admissions: 6.5 |
路易斯安那理工大学 |
194 |
Northern Illinois University |
DeKalb, IL |
6.0 |
Graduate admissions: 6.5 |
北伊利诺伊大学 |
194 |
South Dakota State University |
Brookings, SD |
5.0 |
Graduate admissions: 5.5 |
南达科他州立大学 |
194 |
University of Montana |
Missoula, MT |
5.5 |
Graduate admissions: 6.5 |
蒙大拿大学 |
194 |
University of North Carolina--Charlotte |
Charlotte, NC |
6.0 |
Graduate admissions: 6.5 |
北卡罗来纳大学夏洛特分校 |
Belk College of Business: 6.5 |
194 |
University of South Dakota |
Vermillion, SD |
5.5 |
Graduate admissions: 6.0 |
南达科他大学 |
School of Business: 6.0 |