> 搜狐出国精彩专题 > 学遍英伦
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来源:搜狐出国 作者:英国百福教育
第2页 :英文版_“八正道”助你修学英伦
  The Eight Fold Path to a top UK University

  Step 1: why do I want to study in the UK?

  Calling all great young minds of China, those of you who have decisions to make regarding your futures in British education and far beyond, it all starts with making the right choice when selecting your A'levels, a wrong turn here could lead to disaster rather than fame or fortune! Over the next eight weeks, I will offer my own personal view of the Eight Fold Path to Educational Enlightenment...eight simple steps to making wiser decisions regarding university choices, all based on my own personal mistakes (of which there are many) and a few subsequent successes with in the British Higher Education system.

  Basically, everybody has a true path, but given the rigours involved with being an adolescent, and the distractions of the truly important things in life........ask any UK student about these issues, and they will tell you that regular trips to McDonald's to refuel, in between shifts of online war waging in the fictitious but enthralling World of Warcraft, is ultimately (and I have to agree) the more exciting prospect when faced with course selection. But I, in my infinite wisdom now know better! So lay down your control pads, remove the headphones and tell the stranger on the line that you will have to conquer his northern territories just a little later, as for the next few minutes, you are heading west!

  I will ask you to complete one simple step each week to help you order your thoughts and deliver some clarity before selecting the right university and coursework you, one of the biggest decisions of your life. This weeks thought/step is a simple but important, ask yourself the question: why would you like to study in the UK? Let's face it, the food is poor, the weather? Not great. And well, frankly, the beer is overpriced! But on the flip side, it does offer some of the finest universities on the planet. Home to the obvious, Oxford, Cambridge and LSE, but beyond that, prestigious universities and delightful towns and cities such as Manchester, Newcastle, York and wildness....ok maybe not wildness (see Google Earth for comical reference).

  If it is a world class education that you desire, then the UK can certainly offer that. But don't be fooled, there are a few universities, (and i say that with a pinch of salt) that will not separate and distinguish you from the pack, or if they do, it will make you vulnerable rather than a prize predator. So think twice, before applying to the likes of Liverpool Hope University for a course in Beatles Studies, I don't have the exact employment rates for students who graduate this course, but i somehow think that David Cameron was not enrolled on such a course. And if he had been, he would still be paying the maximum fees! Be in no doubt, that a degree from a top Russell Group university will serve you well in this highly competitive global market, placing you at the top of the job market. And also be aware, that competition is fierce, and certain sacrifices will have to be made on this journey to the top. With this in mind, thoroughly research each university, each town and city, and each and every reason for its place on your UCAS form.

goabroad.sohu.com true 搜狐出国 https://goabroad.sohu.com/20130922/n386999809.shtml report 5126 中文版_“八正道”助你修学英伦注解:“八正道”乃佛教术语,是佛弟子修行的八项内容:“正见解、正思想、正语言、正行为、正职业、正精进、正意念、正禅定。本人作者Ri


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