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来源:搜狐出国 作者:英国百福教育
第2页 :英文版_探秘政治界:我是如何在英国国会谋得职位的
  A path to power: a guide to working in professional politics.

  An Introduction to the world of professional politics

  “Man is by nature a political animal” – Aristotle

  Professional politics is a difficult industry to break into. Whether you want to become a future leader or work behind the scenes in political strategy, campaigning or communications, it best to start planning a path to political success early if you want to make it to the top.

  Before moving to China to teach economics, history and creative arts at the British Fortune School in Beijing, I worked as a political researcher and speechwriter for a Member of Parliament in UK. It was a demanding role that required many skills, hard work, and long hours.

  It was also incredibly competitive. For every paid position that become available there are on average 200 applications, all from qualified candidates. This is not unique to the UK. Almost every parliament in the world has a very competitive job market, with many highly talented, skilled and experienced men and women seeking roles in this most demanding industry.

  But why is it so competitive? What makes so many young graduates seek the corridors of power? There are many answers to these questions, but from my experience the reasons people, myself included, want to work in politics is because it provides unprecedented access, not just to our political leaders, but the leaders of all industries. Whether from the world of finance, media, entertainment, law or industry, the connections and friendships made in your formative years as a professional political operative can help secure a path to success in any industry or profession.

  So how you do it? How do you break into an industry that has so much competition?

  There are many routes into professional politics. Unfortunately, however, these routes are becoming increasingly narrow. More and more, politicians and political parties are recruiting candidates from not only a much more narrow educational pool, but also increasingly from a much more narrow social pool. What does this mean? Well, like most things, connections and the ability to offer skills and services for free are becoming the norm for young graduates seeking their first professional political experiences. This makes it very difficult for some students to break through into this narrow world.

  This was certainly the case for me. After graduating from Oxford University with a very good degree, nearly 10 years of work experience and very strong references, it took me one year to get my first full time role. I applied for over 50 positions and only got three interviews. Like I mentioned earlier, there are over 200 applications for every one role that becomes available, so unless you can demonstrate that you can provide a unique insight into the world of politics you will struggle to find your first role.

  But do not despair! A large part of this job is perseverance whether you are applying for your first job, or if you are a senior political worker with years of experience. Politics is a tough profession. It is not for everyone, and you will need a thick skin and broad shoulders if you are to succeed. There were many times where I nearly gave up, but I just had to keep going if I was to reach the Mother of all Parliaments, a place I had dreamed of working since I was a child.

  So over the coming weeks, I will be writing a series of blogs that offers not only a unique insight to the mysterious world of professional politics, but advice on how you can get to where you want to go. I will offer guidance on which courses to study and at which universities, I will offer CV advice and CV templates, I will help you to secure that elusive but often crucial internship and, most importantly, I will provide you with hints and tips on how to win over your potential future boss in that vital final interview.

  Politics is a demanding job which is not for everyone, but if you want to succeed in professional politics, political strategy or political communications, or use politics as a springboard into another rewarding profession, this blog could be a good place to start.

  Ben Fellows is a graduate of Oxford University, a former Research Fellow of Berea University in Kentucky and is currently teaching economics, history and the creative arts at the British Fortune School in Beijing.

goabroad.sohu.com true 搜狐出国 https://goabroad.sohu.com/20130922/n386997918.shtml report 6315 中文版_探秘政治界:我是如何在英国国会谋得职位的“人生来是政治动物”——亚里士多德政治界,普通老百姓很难深入了解的领域。不管你是想成为未来政界领袖,还是想为政治


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