me: good afternoon,ma'am, nice to meet you! here's my card!
vo: nice to meet you, too! (慈祥微笑)
vo: so why choose CS?
me: because basing on my study and projects experience,Ifeel that this field can give me more space to develop my career in China. I did several projects after graduation and mainly focus on database field.
vo: ok, and what's your academic background?
me: I got my B.S in BJTU last July and worked in CEA,you know? China earthquake Administration, as an assistant engineer. (她很惊奇)
vo: ok. why this university?
me: First, MC provides very high standard programs in CS, and there are many courses of CS are in database field. College gives students chance to do the projects on the aspect they interested in.
Second, CS of MC is the study of computation and information processing, both in hardware and software.
Third,MC is a college with long history and good reputation. It was founded in 1826 and located in a small quiet town , Clinton. I think MC is an ideal place to study and do research because of the friendly and safe atmosphere on campus.
vo: tell me your reason of coming back! (这时候已经在表上写字,感觉要过了)
me: once I finish the study, i will come back and find a position as a database administrator and I want to found my own company to supply the services in this field.
vo: ok,give me your admission letter!
me: ok.here you are.
vo: (看了一眼,然后面带微笑) Are you sure you'll back?
me: (晕!!!愣了一下) sure, of course!
vo: ok,go to window 1 to get your visa.
me: thank you,ma'am!
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