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★★★★★Five Stars   Most Competitive Colleges and Universities

Amherst College, Mass.
Bates College, Maine
Boston College, Mass.
Bowdoin College, Maine
Brown University, RI
Bryn Mawr College, PA
California Institute of Technology, CA
Claremont McKenna College, CA
College of William and Mary, VA
Columbia College, NY
Columbia University, NY
Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art, NY
Cornell College, Iowa
Cornell University, NY
Dartmouth College, NH
Davidson College, NC
Duke University, NC
Georgetown University, DC
Harvard University, Mass.
Harvey Mudd College, CA
Haverford College, PA
The Johns Hopkins University, MD
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Mass.
Middlebury College, VT
Northwestern University, IL
Pomona College, CA
Princeton University, NJ
Rice University, TX
Stanford University, CA
Swarthmore College, PA
Tufts University, Mass.
United States Air Force Academy, CO
United States Military Academy, NY
United States Naval Academy, MD
University of Chicago, IL
University of Notre Dame, IN
University of Pennsylvania
University of Virginia
Wake Forest University, NC
Washington & Lee University, VA
Wellesley College, Mass.
Wesleyan University, CT
Williams College, Mass.
Yale University, CT

★★★★Four Stars   Highly Competitive

Colleges in this group look for students with grade averages of B+ to B and accept most of their students from the top 20% to 35% of the high school class. Median freshman test scores of these colleges range form 575 to 625 on the SAT I and 27 or 28 on the ACT. These schools generally accept between one third and one half of their applicants.

To provide for finer distinctions within the admissions category, a + has been places before some entries. These are colleges with median freshman scores of 615 or more on the SAT or 28 or more on the ACT (depending on which test the college prefers), and colleges that accept fewer than one quarter of their applicants.

Bard College, NY
Boston University, Mass.
Brandeis University, Mass.
Brigham Young University, Utah
Bucknell University, PA
Carleton College, Minn.
+ Carnegie Mellon University, PA
Case Western Reserve University, Ohio
Colby College, Maine
Colgate University, NY
College of the Holy Cross, Mass.
Colorado College
+ Colorado School of Mines
Drew University, NJ
Emory University, GA
Franklin and Marshall College, PA
George Washington University, DC
+ Georgia Institute of Technology
Gettysburg College, PA
GMI Engineering & Management Institute, MI
+ Grinnell College, Iowa
Grove City College, PA
Hamilton College, NY
James Madison University, VA
Kalamazoo College, MI
+ Kenyon College, Ohio
Lafayette College, PA
+ Lawrence University, Minn.
Lehigh University, PA
Macalester College, Minn.
Mary Washington College, VA
+ Oberlin College, Ohio
Occidental College, CA
Pennsylvania State University
Polytechnic University of New York
+ Reed College, OR
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, NY
Rhodes College, Tenn.
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, IN
Rutgers University, NJ
Rutgers University-Camden, NJ
+ Rutgers University-Newark, NJ
St. Olaf College, Minn.
Sarah Lawrence College, NY
Skidmore College, NY
Smith College, Mass.
Southwestern University, TX
+ State University of New York College at Binghamton
State University of New York College at Geneseo
Syracuse University, NY
Trenton State College, NJ
Trinity College, Conn.
Trinity University, TX
Tulane University, LA
Union College, NY
+ University of California, Berkeley
University of California, Los Angeles
University of Florida
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
+ University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
University of Michigan-Dearborn
University of Minnesota
University of Missouri-Columbia
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
University of Puget Sound, WA
University of Richmond, VA
University of Rochester, NY
University of the South, Tenn.
University of Wisconsin-Madison
+ Vanderbilt University, Tenn.
Vassar College, NY
Villanova University, PA
Washington University in St. Louis, MO
Wheaton College, IL
Whitman College, WA
Worcester Polytechnic Institute, MA 1


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