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来源:搜狐出国 作者:教育涉外监管信息网

  Nevada 内华达州

  Academy of Hair Design (Las Vegas)

  American Institute of Technology (North Las Vegas)

  The Art Institute of Las Vegas (Henderson)

  Career College of Northern Nevada (Reno)

  Carson City Beauty Academy (Carson City)

  Community College of Southern Nevada (North Las Vegas)

  Computer-Ed Institute (Henderson)

  Deep Springs College (Dyer)

  Euphoria Institute of Beauty Arts & Sciences (Las Vegas)

  Expertise School of Beauty (Las Vegas)

  Great Basin College (Elko)

  Heritage College (Las Vegas)

  High-Tech Institute (Las Vegas)

  ITT Technical Institute (Henderson)

  J. R. Rodgers & Associates (Las Vegas)

  La Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts (Las Vegas)

  Las Vegas College (Las Vegas)

  Le Cordon Bleu of Culinary Arts Las Vega (Las Vegas)

  Marinello School of Beauty (Henderson)

  Marinello School of Beauty (Las Vegas)

  Morrison University (Reno)

  Pima Medical Institute (Las Vegas)

  Prater Way College of Beauty Inc. (Sparks)

  Sierra Nevada College (Incline Village)

  Southern Nevada University of Cosmetology (Las Vegas)

  Truckee Meadows Community College (Reno)

  University of Nevada - Las Vegas (Las Vegas)

  University of Nevada - Reno (Reno)

  Western Nevada Community College (Carson City)

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