Mount Ida College
Founded in 1899, Mount Ida College is an independent baccalaureate college in Newton,
Massachusetts (13km from Boston) with a legacy of innovative approaches to
meet the changing needs of students and world. Mount Ida College provides a diverse
community of learners a challenging education that blends the liberal arts with
professional preparation. We dedicate our energy, imagination, and resources to
empowering all students to achieve academically and contribute responsibly in a
changing world.
人在日本| 大敌来临:H1N1流感下的日本
职场段子| 曝光最牛上班族“黑话”辞典
大话教育| 最易遭到抛弃的九类校园女生
职场人生| 女大学生面试竟遭遇迷药陷阱
海外风情| 留洋千金小姐无知晒富(组图)
职场人生| 曝全国公务员真实工资 25岁女公务员自曝真实收入
大话教育| 大学生课堂的十大表现 哈尔滨大学漂亮女博士校花