> 搜狐出国精彩专题 > 学遍英伦
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来源:搜狐出国 作者:英国百福教育
第2页 :英文版-探秘英国政治界——如何在面试脱颖而出?

  First Impressions

  First impressions do count! It’s crucial to turn up on time, look presentable and ensure that the politician views you from the outset as someone he/she can work with. If you’re very nervous, try taking a few deep breaths before you’re called in and remember, your nerves probably won’t last long. The politician will do their best to put you at ease.

  Shake hands with all interviewers firmly (too limp will make you seem weak but too vigorous will liken you to an aggressive salesman). Smile and thank them for their time – politicians are busy people and always appreciate any acknowledgment of this!

  Body language is important – smile, lean forward a little in your chair and look interested. Don’t cross your arms as this looks defensive, wave your hands about too much as this looks nervous or simply crazy, and don’t play with hair/jewellery or interrupt questions.

  Tip – Know exactly where you’re going for the interview and give yourself plenty of time to get there. Try to arrive 15 minutes or even half an hour early

  As you leave the interview, thank the interviewers again, smile and say goodbye. If the staffer or intern sees you out, use the opportunity to build a rapport with them, perhaps ask how long they’ve been working for the MP or what they’ve enjoyed about it the most.

  Show off your Skills

  It’s very important in politics – even at your very first job interview – that you can support statements you make. If, for example, you say you have a good news sense and can help the politician get more press coverage, you need to give a good example of how you have done this in the past, perhaps during an internship or in a previous job. If you say you’re well organised, give an example of a large event you’ve organised which was a success, and make clear your role. Or, if you say you’re good at overcoming problems in the workplace, try and back this up with an example of a time when things went really wrong – how did you keep your cool and what action did you take to ensure things got back on track?

  Always bear in mind the job description and what you know about the job, and try to match these up to the questions. If you’re asked for examples of certain skills, use your parliamentary experience as much as possible.

  Any Questions?

  At the end of the interview, you will be given the opportunity to ask questions of your interviewer/s. Make the most of this opportunity – don’t forget the function of the interview is for you to see how suitable the job is for you, as well as for the politician to test your suitability for the job. Any questions you have, don’t be afraid to ask, though steer clear of salary and conditions at this early stage – any second interview or the job offer itself is the right time to discuss these unless the interviewer brings it up him/herself.

  A selection of staff currently working for politicians have flagged up the following questions, or variations thereof, so use these to get you thinking about some of the areas you may be asked to address. But don’t forget to expect the unexpected!

  Why do you want this job?

  What experience/skills/qualities do you have that make you suitable for this job?

  Why do you want to work for me and not another politician?

  Do you want to be a politician in the future?

  Would you enjoy working on my portfolio?

  Are you happy to undertake administrative tasks?

  Do you have experience managing people, such as volunteers and interns?

  What do you think are the current weaknesses in our party’s policy?

  What do you think are the big issues important to people in my constituency?

  How do you think our party is perceived by the electorate?

  What experience do you have in providing written briefings, notes, speeches, etc?

  What experience do you have in researching media stories and placing these with journalists?

  What makes a good news story?

  What Parliamentary techniques would you use to elicit certain information from the Government?

  Finally, don’t be deterred if your first interview doesn’t result in a job offer.  Instead, remain confident and positive. Try to understand why you may not have been offered the job (some offices may even offer you feedback) and brush up on these areas for next time. Many MPs’ staff will have been through several interviews before finding their current jobs, often discovering that the jobs they do eventually get are the right ones for them. Job interviews are a learning experience. While you may always be nervous, you’ll find you become better and better with practice.

  This brings us to the end of this series of blogs. This is all the information I can provide on how to help you break into the world of professional politics. I hope you find this information useful, and if you would like some more advice or if you would find a seminar on these topics useful, please contact the website administrator for more information.

  But most importantly, good luck!

  Ben Fellows is a graduate of Oxford University, a former Research Fellow of Berea University in Kentucky and is currently teaching economics, history and the creative arts at the British Fortune School in Beijing.

goabroad.sohu.com true 搜狐出国 https://goabroad.sohu.com/20131224/n392309135.shtml report 9334 中文版-探秘英国政治界——如何在面试脱颖而出?(2)   -第一印象第一印象太重要了!要按时到场,穿着要职业,让政治家先初步判断你


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