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出国频道 > 雅思考试20周年庆典

英国文化协会总监、教育参赞Joana Burke致感谢辞

英国文化协会总监、教育参赞Joana Burke致感谢辞

英国文化协会总监、教育参赞Joana Burke
英国文化协会总监、教育参赞Joana Burke







  Distinguished Guests, Ladies and gentleman

  On behalf of the Cultural and Education Section of the British Embassy and the IELTS partners, it’s an honour to welcome you here to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the creation of the International English Language Testing System – otherwise known as IELTS or in China as “Ya Si”.

  Since its launch in 1989, IELTS has come to be globally recognised as a trusted, secure, and authentic test to measure the candidate’s true-to-life ability to communicate in English. It is now widely recognised as leading the high stakes English language testing industry for integrity, reliability and research; and the numbers are indeed impressive - over 6,000 recognising organisation worldwide; 1.25 million candidates and over 270,000 from China.

  But, for me, a more inspiring part of the IELTS story, and the reason that a cultural relations organisation like the British Council became one of the owners, is the contribution it has made to helping millions of individuals realise their personal ambitions by opening up life-changing opportunties for overseas study, work and immigration. We strongly believe that access to such opportunities is vital if we are to build greater understanding, respect and trust between the people of different cultures.

  The celebration tonight, therefore, seeks to complement the growth graphs and statistics and learned debate that you have participated in today by reminding ourselves of the huge personal significance and expectation invested in each of those IELTS tests. Later we will be recognising 20 inividuals, one for each year, who have made a significant contribution to, or who have benefited from, IELTS.

  Unfortunately, we only have 20 places to fill and there are far more than 20 people who have played such a significant role, with out whom the enormous growth that IELTS has seen in China would not have been possible. Many of you are here tonight in this room.

  On this special 20th anniversary, I would therefore like to extend our sincere thanks to you all for your invaluable (and I do not use the word lightly) support to IELTS over the past two decades. I would like to formally thank Dr Dai and his colleagues from the National Education Examinations Authority , IDP:Australia and Cambridge ESOL (our global IELTS partners), the Directors and staff of our 31 IELTS test centres nationwide, the representatives from the embassies and other receiving organisations, training schools, overseas agents and the education media. And of course the candidates who have achieved great success through the IELTS test.

  Last but not least, let us all together wish IELTS a happy 20th anniversary and congratulations to all who have made IELTS a success over the past two decades!




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