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2003年9月2日14:48    来源: 洋话连篇


   Washington's Spy Museum Becomes Great Tourist Attraction 试听

Espionage and the tricks of the spy trade are at heart of a new museum that opened earlier this year in Washington. The International Spy Museum has become one of the city's most popular tourist attractions.

The first thing you hear when you step inside Washington's new International Spy Museum is a stream of[1] tense[2] and solemn[3] voices admonishing[4] you never to reveal anything about the exhibit you are about to see.

The mock warning is a reminder of the deep-rooted secrecy underpinning[5] the business of espionage[6] - a trade whose practices and history the museum set out to relate when it opened this summer.

Jennifer Saxon, the Museum's Director of Media Relations, says the privately run museum has been a success so far, with some 200,000 visitors since it opened its doors. Besides, she says the museum's founders could scarcely have chosen a better place than Washington to put it. "DC was a real natural place for them to put it. DC is probably filled with more spies today than it ever was before and many people argue that there are probably more spies in Washington than there are any place else. This is where all the information comes, not only from the United States, but internationally, so this is where all the analysts are, this is where everyone is if they want to find out that kind of information about international affairs."

The museum, which puts great emphasis on artifacts[7], is filled with tools of the spy business: Cipher machines[8], a Soviet-era coat with buttonhole[9] camera and, of course, the famous "Bulgarian[10] Umbrella," a poisoned umbrella tip the Soviet KGB[11] used to fatally stab[12] Bulgarian dissident[13] Georgi Markov[14] in London in 1978.

Then, towards the middle of the exhibit, the visitors are invited to get on all fours[15] and crawl through a 10-meter-long duct[16] in which they can listen in on Cuban leader Fidel Castro[17] as he discusses his national security policy with aides. The point of the conversation, which is not real, is to show how easy it is to spy, and how no one, whether common citizen or high-ranking official, can trust his or her surroundings.

For all the James Bond type aura[18] with which popular culture has surrounded the spy business, the museum also makes it clear that espionage is a very old trade, going back at least 2,400 years. The museum's Jennifer Saxon says Sir Francis Walsingham, an Englishman serving Queen Elizabeth I[19], organized the first known spy network, in the second half of the 16th century. "He organized that for Queen Elizabeth to help keep her on the throne[20]. It was actually his spy network that was able to track down Mary Queen of Scots in her plot to assassinate[21] Queen Elizabeth and also was able to get the evidence against Mary Queen of Scots to try her for treason."

Of course, the museum tells the stories of some of the great spies in history, especially those who worked for the Soviet KGB: Englishman Kim Philby[22], Americans Ethel and Julius Rosenberg[23] and, of course, some who have recently committed treason against the United States. Again, Jennifer Saxon. "Aldrich Ames[24], who worked for the CIA, who spied for the Soviet Union and later the Russians; Robert Hanssen[25], who worked for the FBI, also spied for the Soviet Union and the Russians, for decades for both of them, just gave a number of names to the Soviet Union and Russia about spies the U.S. had in Russia. Both, it's argued were very responsible for the death of individuals who were undercover[26] in the Soviet Union."

In fact, some espionage experts say there were at least as many Russian spies in Washington in the late 1990s as there had been Soviet spies at the height of the Cold War.

Now, forget that you ever heard this report.












1. a stream of: 一股,一连串

2. tense [ tens ] adj. 紧张的

3. solemn [ 5sClEm ] adj. 庄严的,隆重的,严肃的

4. admonish [ Ed5mCniF ] vt. 劝告,警告

5. underpin [`QndE9pIn ] vt. 加基础于……;支持

6. espionage [ 5espiEnidV ] n. 间谍,侦探

7. artifact [ 5B:tifAkt ] n. 人造物品

8. cipher machine: 密码电报机 cipher [ 5saifE ] n. 密码

9. buttonhole [ 5bQtnhEul ] n. 钮扣孔,扣眼

10. Bulgarian [ bQl5^ZEriEn ] n. 保加利亚人[]

11. KGB: abbr.<> Komitet Gosudarstvennoi Bezopasnosti 苏联国家安全委员会(克格勃)

12. stab [ stAb ] n. , 刺伤的伤口, 一阵突然而强烈的感觉, 中伤, 伤痛 v. , 刺伤, 伤害(感情等)

13. dissident [5dIsIdEnt] n. 持不同政见者

14. Georgi Markov: 格奥尔基·马可夫

15. get on all fours: 趴在地上

16. duct [dQkt] n. 管,输送管

17. Fidel Castro [ fi5del ] 菲德尔·卡斯特罗(古巴共产党中央委员会第一书记、国务委员会主席兼部长会议主席、革命武装力量总司令。1926年出生,1950年在哈瓦那大学获法学博士学位。1953年7月26日率一批青年攻打圣地亚哥的蒙卡达兵营失败后被捕。1955年大赦获释后流亡墨西哥并组织了"七·二六运动"。1956年回到古巴,在马埃斯特腊山区开展反对巴蒂斯塔独裁统治的武装斗争。1959年古革命胜利后出任总理。1976年取消总统制后任国务委员会主席兼部长会议主席至今。)

18. aura [ 5C:rE ] n. 气氛;(圣象头部的)光环

19. Queen Elizabeth I: 伊丽莎白一世(15331603)

20. throne [ WrEun ] n. 王位

21. assassinate [ E5sAsineit ] vt. 暗杀,行刺

22. Kim Philby: 金·菲尔比(俄斯大林时期派在英国特殊情报署Special Intelligence Services在伦敦的总部的间谍。)

23. Ethel and Julius Rosenberg: 艾捷尔和朱利叶斯·罗森堡夫妇(犹太裔美国人,1953年被美国法庭以从事间谍活动,为前苏联提供制作原子弹情报为由处以死刑。朱利叶斯更是除了林肯被刺杀案曾处决一名女性外,唯一以叛国罪被处死的女性。罗森堡夫妇深爱对方,即使在首次被捕时,他们仍然试图紧握着对方的双手,甚至隔着囚车的铁网彼此吻別,这些照片都曾经成为报纸头条。)

24. Aldrich Ames: 阿尔德里奇·阿麦斯(被认为对中央情报局造成最大危险的叛节间谍,他向前苏联出卖了几十名美国情报人员的名单,其中大部分都被处死。)

25. Robert Hanssen: 罗伯特·汉森(FBI特工,曾向前苏联出卖机密情报达15年之久)

26. undercover [ 7QndE5kQvE, 5QndE7kQvE ] adj. 秘密从事的,被雇进行间谍活动的 []an undercover investigation.(一项秘密调查) undercover payments(贿赂)

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