时代变迁,人们说话的用语也在不断改变,因此,牛津字典近日出了修订版,把一些以前没有的单词,如badass,phat等在美国英语里骂人的说话收录在内。 据悉,这次一共把日常用语里新出现的3500个单词编进新版牛津字典里。负责北美词汇部分的舒德劳尔9月15日在接受《纽约邮报》访问时称,新版字典并非要把纯正英语放在一边。他说“只要一句俚语或其他不标准的词组足够流行,它就能入选。”但他也觉得这次收录的词有部部还未达入选标准。 据报道,一个单词一定要在各类媒体,如《滚石》和《华尔街日报》等,在五年内至少被使用五次才能被编入字典。这就是“internet”这个单至今才被编入的字典的原因。尽管这个单词1992年就出现了,但只在技术范围内使用,直到近一两年才为主流媒体使用。 Words such as badass, phat, ass-backwards and bogart have found a place in the latest edition of the Shorter Oxford English Dictionary. The dictionary has added 3,500 words to reflect changes in speech. Jesse Sheidlower, principal North American editor of the Shorter OED told the New York Post on September 15 that the dictionary is no staid, stuffy repository of the Queen''s English. He told the paper: "If a slang or other non-standard expression has enough currency it will go in. "I don''t think there''s any question that terms like badass or bogart have enough currency to be included." The word must have been used five times in sources as varied as Rolling Stone magazine and The Wall Street Journal for at least five years to be considered. This explains why internet is only now being included, though the Shorter''s last edition came out in 1993. "The term internet existed in 1992, but just in technical circles," Mr Sheidlower said: "It wasn''t until a year or two later that mainstream familiarity started to take off."