根据美国的一项研究,去年秋季入学的美国大学一年级学生是15年来最不爱学习的大学生,但这不影响他们中学毕业时的平均成绩。 昨天公布的这项研究表明,只有33.4%的大一学生表示,他们在中学期间每周学习超过6个小时。这一比率是自从美国加州大学高等教育研究学院1987年首次进行同类调查以来最低的。 尽管如此,超过45%的学生表示他们中学毕业的平均成绩都是“A”等。从1966年开始就进行这项研究的奥斯丁说,对这一现象最好的解释就是,因为来自学生及家长的压力,老师打分的标准松了,“C”等分数现在几乎已经不再存在。 Although American freshmen arrived at college last fall with the worst study habits in 15 years, it didn''t hurt their high school grade point averages, according to an annual study based on a survey of the first-year students. The study, released Monday, found only 33.4 percent of college freshmen reported spending six hours per week or more studying or doing homework during their senior year in high school. It was the lowest percentage since the survey question was first posed by the Higher Education Research Institute at the University of California, Los Angeles in 1987.Still, more than 45 percent of freshmen said they managed to graduate high school with an "A" average. Alexander Astin, who started the survey in 1966, attributed the high grade point averages to a single factor. "The best interpretation we can make is that grade inflation has been increasing because of all the pressure on teachers from students and parents to help them become more competitive for college," said Astin. "Each year we think it can't inflate anymore. And then it does again. The C-grade is almost a thing of the past." Last year, 44.1 percent of respondents reported carrying an "A" average in high school.