搜狐 ChinaRen 17173 焦点房地产 搜狗


2009年06月11日09:24 [我来说两句] [字号: ]


  Specific activities within the Study in Australia 2010 measures will include:


  - additional funding for targeted promotional activities by AEI offices in the top six source countries (China and Hong Kong, India, South Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand) including with international media, and alumni activities;

  - 政府专项拨款支持AEI海外办公室在六大留学生源国(中国大陆和香港、印度、韩国、印度尼西亚、马来西亚和泰国)开展有针对性的推广活动,包括针对媒体的活动和澳大利亚校友活动等;

  - upgrading the Study in Australia interactive websites to match international standards, ensuring students have access to smart, accurate, accessible information in an international standard format;

  - 完善留学澳大利亚网站,使其达到国际标准,以保证国际学生能及时、容易地获得全面而准确的赴澳留学信息。

  - a series of national briefings and engagement in industry conferences– to consult with Australia’s international education and training sector on the best ways of promoting education in Australia during the economic downturn;

  - 在澳大利亚国内举办一系列针对主要生源国的市场报告会并积极参与行业举办的会议—— 与澳大利亚国际教育和培训行业商讨在经济危机时期推广澳大利亚教育的最佳方案

  - upgraded strategic research and market analysis for education providers – including regular local market updates from AEI’s 25 international offices; and

  - 为澳大利亚教育机构提供更为详尽的战略研究报告和市场分析—— 包括由AEI二十五个海外办公室定期发布当地市场的最新信息

  - improved training and information resources for education agents and others involved in encouraging international students to study in Australia.

  - 为留学中介机构及其他帮助国际学生赴澳留学的人员提供更好的培训和最新的信息资源

  Targeting Australia’s major source countries for international students, Study in Australia 2010 aims to support a sustainable international education sector that delivers a high quality education, learning and life experience to international students.


  Study in Australia 2010 is designed around four key themes:


  • Student experience – ensuring that Australia is seen as a welcoming and valuable place to study for a globally recognised qualification;

  • 学生赴澳留学体验—— 确保澳大利亚成为人们心目中热情友好、物有所值的、可获得国际认可学历资格的理想留学目的地。

  • Positioning Australia – enhancing the international awareness of Australia as a leader in education, research and learning;

  • 确立澳大利亚教育的国际地位—— 巩固澳大利亚作为教育、研究和学习领军国的国际影响力

  • Showcasing excellence – showcasing Australia’s innovation, quality and global reputation for world class education, training and research and

  • 宣传澳大利亚的教育优势—— 宣传澳大利亚世界一流的教育、培训和研究体系中所独具的创新性、高质量和享誉全球的声望  

  • Sector engagement - ensuring that Australia’s education and training sector is provided with the support and assistance required for sustainable growth.

  • 行业参与—— 确保为澳大利亚教育和培训行业的可持续发展提供支持。

  In which countries will Study in Australia 2010 be implemented?

  “2010留学澳大利亚” 系列活动将在那些国家开展?

  Overseas students in Australia are drawn from around 200 countries worldwide, but the top six markets account for approximately 60% of enrolments and these markets are crucial to the success of Australia’s international education sector over the next couple of years. The 2010 drive is tightly targeted to respond to current challenges and is initially focused on the top six source markets for Australia. But AEI will continue to strongly engage through its extensive network and support of the sector into over 25 countries and AEI posts in all countries will be developing their own plans for Study in Australia 2010.


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