受访嘉宾:Annie Du,Regional Manager,莫纳什大学
1、What are the key strengths of your institution? 在您的心目中,贵学校的最大优势是什么?
1) Better jobs. Better money.
2) Worldwide reputation
3)Leading research
4) More choices
5)Range of facilities
6)Scholarships and work placements (work ready)
7)Teaching excellence
8)International advantage
9)Global alumni network
10)Alternative pathways
2、Is university ranking important or not? Does your institution care about the position of your institution in the world university ranking? What advice you would like to give to students about university ranking? 院校排名是否重要?贵校是否关注自身在世界院校排名中的名次?
A: I believe the ranking is important in providing students ideas about the position where the university stand in the world. However, it is more important that student learn the strength of the university, facilities, courses and research capability available to the students.
How many students are there in your institution at the moment? A: 57,000
What about the percentage of international students? A: 17,000
How many Chinese students? A: 5,000
Does your institution set a quota for the number of Chinese student your institution recruit every year? A: No. However, the places for Business related courses are filling up very quickly.
4、What attributes you expect Chinese students to have when you recruit students, apart from meeting the academic entry requirement set by your institution? 您更为期望招收到具备哪些条件的中国学生?
Good English proficiency, independent learning skills.
5、What kind of majors/subjects would Chinese students like to choose previously?
Business related courses.
6、What majors/subjects/courses which your institution are offering are really good but haven’t been aware of by Chinese students? Can you introduce these majors/subjects/courses?
A: Monash University has 10 Faculties and each of them is offering very good courses and great facilities available to students. For example, the strength of the Faculty of Engineering is providing world-class faculty facilities, eg. Southern Hemisphere’s largest wind-tunnel and site of Australia’s synchrotron. Other Faculties are also providing purpose-built faculty buildings.
7、Is there any change on the quota for international students and the amount of scholarships your institution can offer? 在金融风暴下,学校的招生名额以及奖学金方面是否已受到影响?
A: Range of scholarships and bursaries valued at more than $2.5 million per year.
8、What about the employment of graduates in your institution? What kind of help your institution provide to students to help them with find a job? Any extra measures have been taken to help students in financial crisis? 目前,学校的毕业生就业情况如何?经济危机下,学校如何帮助毕业生更快更好的找到工作,有何举措?
A: MONSEACS – online job finding service for graduates continue even after they have left Monash.
9、There have been some issue about safety of international students in Australia? Any advice you would like to give to Chinese students? 关于最近发生的一系列留学生在澳洲安全问题,您有何看法及建议?
A: Melbourne is selected as the top No. 3 best city to live. General speaking, it is quite safe living in Melbourne. However, we all understand that crime is every where, so I would suggest keeping your eyes on any thing or people look suspicious and report it. This is not only protecting yourself but others.
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