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  官方信息:全面解读留英学生签证计点积分制 新闻发布会实录

  自三月三十一日起,希望赴英留学的中国学生可以通过新的计点积分制系统申请签证, 这一系统将简化学生签证申请程序。




  一旦获得签证, 新规定将允许国际学生在学期内每周从事兼职工作不超过20小时, 假期当中从事全职工作,以及任何与学业相关的工作.记点积分制第一层级:毕业后工作签证使得已毕业的学生可以在英国取得长至两年签证,来获取工作经验.


  但是如果发现申请者使用了虚假材料,撒谎或对相关信息有所保留的情况,英国边境管理局将拒绝他们的申请, 并可能禁止在10年内前往英国.  






  New student immigration system set to launch in UK on 31st March 2009

  BEIJING: 12 March 2009

  The UK Government on Monday announced the go-live date for the student tier of its new points-based system for migration.

  From 31st March, Chinese students looking to study in the UK can apply for their visa through the new points-based system which will streamline the Student visa application process.

  Under the new transparent system, Chinese students will need to prove that they have been accepted onto a course run by a education institution which is licensed by the UK Border Agency (UKBA). They will also need to prove that they have the means to support themselves and supply their biometric details at their local visa application centre.

  There are currently over 60,000 Chinese students in full time education in the United Kingdom. In 2008 we issued over 27,000 student visas, an increase of 21% over 2007. The increasing strength of the Chinese currency against sterling now makes study in the United Kingdom even more affordable.

  The changes to the visa application system will allow students to check whether they are eligible for a visa before they even apply, making the whole system more straightforward. We would urge anyone considering studying in the UK to visit the UKBA website now to familiarise themselves with the new regulations and ensure their application can be processed as quickly as possible.

  If granted a visa, the new regulations allow international students to undertake part-time work of up to 20 hours per week during term time, full time work during the holidays as well as any course related work placements. PBS Tier 1 Post Study Work provides for graduate students to gain work experience in the United Kingdom for up to 2 years.

  For the first time, all independent fee-paying schools, colleges and universities that want to accept international students to study with them now need a licence to do so. This will help the UK Government crack down on bogus colleges, something which will be welcome news to many Chinese students, who can now be sure the language school, college or university they intend to study at is an approved educational institution. So far over a thousand UK institutions have signed up to sponsor international students.

  But the UK Border Agency will refuse your application and you may be banned from coming to the UK for 10 years if you use a false document, lie or withhold relevant information.


  For further information about the Points Based System, including the launch of Tier 4 (students), please refer to the UK Border Agency Websites (www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk & www.ukvisas.gov.uk) 



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