第1页:University Of Bath 第2页:University
College London(UCL) 第3页:University
of Warwick 第4页:Royal
Holloway (RH) (University of London) 第5页:University
of Leeds 第6页:University
of Liverpool 第7页:Cardiff
University 第8页:University
Of St Andrews 第9页:Queen
Mary (QM) University Of London 第10页:University
of Durham 第11页:University
Of Reading 第12页:SOAS
University of London
University Of Bath
授课地点:Bath College( 同时也是Bath University 的注册学生 )
提供学位:Biology, Biochemistry, ChemicalEngineering, Chemistry, CivilEnginnering, Humanities, Management, Mathematical
Science, Mechanical Engineering, Natural Science, Pharmacy, Pharmacology。
and Social Science。
授课方式:Lectures, Pratical Workshops, Guided learning, Group work and
Experimental Work。
学制详解:在第一学期,学生选择三个科目,从:Biology, Business and Economics, Chemistry, English
for Specific Purposes, Mathematics, Physics, Social
入学要求:IELTS:6.0(低于此分数,会要求参加他们的英语补习训练) UCAS CODE:Y008
联系方式:Foundation Year Courses Director,
Department of Access and Continuing Studies,
University of Bath
Bath BA2 7AY, UK
Tel: 01225 383554
网址 www.bath.ac.uk/foundation/