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[英文金曲]to the moon and back

  savage garden

   - to the moon and back

  she's taking her time making up the reasons

  to justify all the hurt inside

  guess she knows from the smiles

  and the look in their eyes

  everyone's got a theory about the bitter one

  they're saying

  mama never loved her much

  and daddy never keeps in touch

  that's why she shies away from human affection

  but somewhere in a private place

  she packs her bags for outer space

  and now she's waiting for

  the right kind of pilot to come

  (and she'll say to him)

  she's saying

  i would fly you to the moon and back

  if you'll be, if you'll be my baby

  got a ticket for a world where we belong

  so, would you be my baby?


  she can't remember a time

  when she felt needed

  if love was red then she was colour-blind

  all her friends they've been tried for treason /treason[5tri:zn]n.叛逆, 通敌, 背信, 叛国罪/

  and crimes that were never defined

  she's saying

  love is like a barren place

  and reaching out for human faith is

  is like a journey i just don't have a map for

  so baby gonna take a dive and

  push the shift to overdrive

  send a signal that she's hanging all her hopes on

  the stars

  (what a pleasant dream) just saying

  i would fly you to the moon and back

  if you'll be, if you'll be my baby

  got a ticket for a world where we belong

  so, would you be my baby?

  mamma never loved her much

  and daddy never keeps in touch

  that's why she shies away from human affection

  but somewhere in a private place

  she packs her bags for outer space

  and now she's waiting for the right kind of pilot

  to come (and she'll say to him)

  she's saying

  i would fly you to the moon and back

  if you'll be, if you'll be my baby

  got a ticket for a world where we belong

  so, would you be my baby?


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