前不久, 反对美国对伊开战的美国得州“南方妹子”乐队主唱说:“我以布什总统也来自得州而感到羞耻”,一石激起千层浪,致使不少电台拒放她们的唱片,这首歌曲也在Billboard排行榜上直线下降。不过,抛开政治因素,这的确是一首感人的歌曲,尤其是伊拉克战争中阵亡士兵的亲属,听后必定泪流满面。 Two days past eighteen / he was waiting for the bus in his army greens. / [He] sat down in a booth in a caféthere / [and] gave hissgroupsto a girl with a bow in her hair. / He's a little shy so she gives him a smile, / and he said, "Would you mind sitting down for a while / and talking to me? I'm feeling a little low." She said, "I'm off in an hour and I knowswhereswe can go." So they went down and they sat on the pier. / He said, "I bet you['ve] got a boyfriend, but I don't care. / I['ve] got no one to send a letter to. / Would you mind if I sent one back here to you?" I cried. / [I'm] never going to hold the hand of an-other guy... 他18岁刚过两天/穿着军装等待上车/他坐在小餐厅的隔间里/把点的菜单给了系着蝴蝶结的服务小姐/他有点羞涩女孩便投之微笑/他说,"你不介意坐下来和我聊聊吧?我的心情有点郁闷"/她说……