关于 华裔生遭非洲裔学生围殴事件的讨论

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1、经营许可证编号:京ICP000008号 2、遵守《互联网电子公告服务管理规定》 3、遵守《全国人大常委会关于维护互联网安全的决定》
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网友:bcom00awk 发表时间: 2003-01-12 22:41:16.0 IP地址: 61.186.109.★
学的功夫在去 笨 他打你 你不懂砍他
网友:中国人 发表时间: 2002-12-18 14:36:55.0 IP地址: 211.81.27.★
网友:CHINESE BOY!!!Anti-USA 发表时间: 2002-12-13 12:44:21.0 IP地址: 142.25.99.★
To :the guy who graduated from that school When I knew that and what you said I just wanna say I wanna f**k U!!!Ass! Suck my dick!!!Don't think we're weak!!!We just don't like fighting!!!Motherf**k!!! Don't think you are very strong.You are realy stupid!!!Don't forget we have the bomb,too.If we teach Islam how to make the bomb,what will happened,I think you know that. At last, motherf**k to you again!!! From:CHINESE BOY!!!
网友:CHINESE BOY!!! 发表时间: 2002-12-13 12:43:56.0 IP地址: 142.25.99.★
KILL american all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bush is a shit!!!! your people are shit ,too!!!!!! 9.11 is great!!!RAGE AGAINST USA!!! USA bullshit!!!
网友:匿名 发表时间: 2002-12-13 08:08:47.0 IP地址: 61.178.24.★
网友:匿名 发表时间: 2002-12-12 21:04:16.0 IP地址: 211.160.14.★
网友:李小龙 发表时间: 2002-12-11 22:42:02.0 IP地址: 210.83.69.★
日本人总的来说 不能从人的角度去看
网友:the one 发表时间: 2002-12-11 22:35:17.0 IP地址: 210.83.69.★
网友:匿名 发表时间: 2002-12-11 20:08:31.0 IP地址: 218.27.136.★
网友:wei 发表时间: 2002-12-11 19:20:24.0 IP地址: 202.204.98.★
网友:people who graduated from that high school 发表时间: 2002-12-11 12:13:19.0 IP地址: 216.194.22.★
chinese is stupid!!! Because you don't got bit up, so u won't care about what happen around you...but who knows maybe you are the next one to get beat up...huh???
网友:people who graduated from that high school 发表时间: 2002-12-11 12:09:13.0 IP地址: 216.194.22.★
chinese is stupid!!! Because you don't got bit up, so u won't care about what happen around you...but who knows maybe you are the next one to get beat up...huh???
网友:狮头小痞子 发表时间: 2002-12-11 12:04:40.0 IP地址: 218.104.76.★
网友:chinese 发表时间: 2002-12-11 11:57:26.0 IP地址: 216.194.22.★
wellz, it happens to our chinese all the time, and we all know the reason why, but no one will get you help...
网友:12 发表时间: 2002-12-10 02:32:31.0 IP地址: 61.180.91.★
别人敢打你,你为什么不可以找关系?还好意思在网络上发表,真是 气愤,真没有用。在学校里成立一个华人团结学会,很很的把那些黑人 教训一顿!!!!!!! 要他们看到华人就低头。
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