关于 在美国看“抠门”的老美的讨论

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1、经营许可证编号:京ICP000008号 2、遵守《互联网电子公告服务管理规定》 3、遵守《全国人大常委会关于维护互联网安全的决定》
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网友:yu 发表时间: 2003-01-08 12:11:04.0 IP地址: 61.177.207.★
网友:lilinola 发表时间: 2003-01-08 05:54:43.0 IP地址: 159.39.16.★
It is very true. Most American are poor. If someone lose job, he will sell house ASAP. The minimum wage is $6/hour, and a lot of my coworkers (80%) making this $6 or $6.25/hr. Do simple calculation: $32/day, and about $12,000 per year. The rent for appartment is around $600-700 cheapest, and utility bill around $100, how much left? I wonder which State that average wage is 30k?
网友:匿名 发表时间: 2003-01-08 04:01:41.0 IP地址: 204.87.86.★
Chinese would rather spend money on the dinner tables than donate it for education and cherities. Many Americans spend and donate money for education, instead of putting dollars on entertaining friends.
网友:匿名 发表时间: 2003-01-04 12:38:20.0 IP地址: 129.78.64.★
You should have stayed in China if you like expecting the free lunch or dinner. How long have you been in US? I'm surprised you are still thinking in Chinese way.
网友:匿名 发表时间: 2003-01-03 08:29:44.0 IP地址: 32.97.110.★
I guess among the 100$, 50$ probably goto mortgate, 10$ goto daycare, 20$ goto food or something. 10$goto retirement fund. So only 10$ left, wait a miniute, there still cost for gas, water, electricity......, if lucky, may be 1$ left for free lunch to friend. :-)
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