关于 全美大学龙虎榜出笼的讨论

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网友:沈阳农大的天才! 发表时间: 2002-11-06 17:53:13.0 IP地址: 202.107.127.★
i want to go one best !
网友:SKYE 发表时间: 2002-10-28 00:59:53.0 IP地址: 61.183.244.★
I like . I choose 我喜欢,我选择!!!
网友:king 发表时间: 2002-09-28 17:34:00.0 IP地址: 194.82.103.★
its hard to say which is the best one,cuz the rank of universities is changed every year..u should choose the the school in terms of their subjects.how famous they are!!well,the top ten are fantastic so far,anyway
网友:同济大学的天才: 花错 发表时间: 2002-09-28 11:23:38.0 IP地址: 202.120.163.★
Which is the best?My choice! Don't you know,i'm one of Architecture subject, and i will aslo be the one of the architect of the world! my future is at Yale,baby
网友:jingtao1000@hotmail.com 发表时间: 2002-09-28 11:15:26.0 IP地址: 202.204.171.★
UC Berkeley 的确是最好的!
网友:Joe Bruin 发表时间: 2002-09-27 07:08:11.0 IP地址: 169.232.229.★
Go Bruins!!!Go Bruins!!!Go Bruins!!!Go Bruins!!!Go Bruins!!!Go Bruins!!!Go Bruins!!!Go Bruins!!!Go Bruins!!!Go Bruins!!!Go Bruins!!!Go Bruins!!!Go Bruins!!!Go Bruins!!!Go Bruins!!!Go Bruins!!!Go Bruins!!!Go Bruins!Go Bruins!!!Go Bruins!!!Go Bruins!!!Go Bruins!!!Go Bruins!!!Go Bruins!!!Go Bruins!!!Go Bruins!!!Go Bruins!!!Go Bruins!!!Go Bruins!!!Go Bruins!!!Go Bruins!!!Go Bruins!!!Go Bruins!!!Go Bruins!!!Go Bruins!!!Go Bruins!!!Go Bruins!!!Go Bruins!!!!!Go Bruins!!!Go Bruins!!!Go Bruins!!!Go Bruins!!!Go Bruins!!!Go Bruins!!!Go Bruins!!!Go Bruins!!!Go Bruins!!!Go Bruins!!!Go Bruins!!!Go Bruins!!!Go Bruins!!!Go Bruins!!!Go Bruins!!!Go Bruins!!!Go Bruins!!!Go Bruins!!!Go Bruins!!!Go Bruins!!!Go Bruins!!!Go Bruins!!!Go Bruins!!!Go Bruins!!!Go Bruins!!!Go Bruins!!!Go Bruins!!!Go Bruins!!!Go Bruins!!!Go Bruins!!!Go Bruins!!!Go Bruins!!!Go Bruins!!!Go Bruins!!!Go Bruins!!!Go Bruins!!!Go Bruins!!!Go Bruins!!!Go Bruins!!!Go Bruins!!!Go Bruins!!!Go Bruins!!!
网友:匿名 发表时间: 2002-09-26 09:10:06.0 IP地址: 65.43.124.★
Yeh, they are also the most expensive ones!
网友:pp 发表时间: 2002-09-24 18:44:59.0 IP地址: 202.109.73.★
uc berkeley 很牛的!
网友:匿名 发表时间: 2002-09-21 16:25:49.0 IP地址: 202.154.128.★
If you are sutdying overseas, you will find all the university are the same.
网友:weniangtao 发表时间: 2002-09-19 12:28:43.0 IP地址: 61.185.127.★
i think the haovard is best collage all over usa
网友:匿名 发表时间: 2002-09-18 16:05:47.0 IP地址: 202.204.93.★
网友:匿名 发表时间: 2002-09-18 12:25:34.0 IP地址: 209.29.95.★
harvard is the best, others are just nonsense.
网友:匿名 发表时间: 2002-09-18 12:20:41.0 IP地址: 209.29.95.★
harvard is the best, others are just nonsense.
网友:匿名 发表时间: 2002-09-18 10:03:47.0 IP地址: 194.138.202.★
竟然没有UC Berkeley,有没有搞错
网友:gu 发表时间: 2002-09-18 08:40:50.0 IP地址: 211.157.248.★
相关评论共 20 条 页码
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