关于 中国首批官派留学生留学纪录的讨论

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相关评论共 4 条

网友:匿名 发表时间: 2003-02-21 20:13:11.0 IP地址: 61.240.11.★
网友:greencard2004 发表时间: 2003-01-05 21:58:54.0 IP地址: 210.15.45.★
Hi friends, 想拥有一张美国绿卡,快来报名。。数量有限!!! The DV-2004 Green Card Lottery is now under way. 60,000 US Green Cards will be issued in a US Government Lottery. Any question please contact us at Greencard@email.com
网友:匿名 发表时间: 2003-01-05 12:56:28.0 IP地址: 151.203.150.★
I read this article by accesident and suprised that this history connects to the church where I live now, South Congregational Church in Springfiled Massachusetts USA. The first group of Chinese students led by Mr. Rong Hong attended this church in 1873 when the church building was laid it first corner stone in July 1873. We still keep the historic record about these first Chinese student, according to the record, some document was embeded in the corner stone when the building was built, in which history about Chinese students and Mr. Rong Hong might be included. If anyone who interest in the project may contact to me or South Congregational Church, 45 Maple Street Springfield, MA 01105 USA. or you can email me at: jarry91@hotmail.com I am a Chinese student here in the US. Jarry
网友:Jarry 发表时间: 2003-01-05 12:54:27.0 IP地址: 151.203.150.★
I read this article by accesident and suprised that this history connects to the church where I live now, South Congregational Church in Springfiled Massachusetts USA. The first group of Chinese students led by Mr. Rong Hong attended this church in 1873 when the church building was laid it first corner stone in July 1873. We still keep the historic record about these first Chinese student, according to the record, some document was embeded in the corner stone when the building was built, in which history about Chinese students and Mr. Rong Hong might be included. If anyone who interest in the project may contact to me or South Congregational Church, 45 Maple Street Springfield, MA 01105 USA. or you can email me at: jarry91@hotmail.com I am a Chinese student here in the US. Jarry
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