关于 剑桥大学招中国高中生的讨论

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1、经营许可证编号:京ICP000008号 2、遵守《互联网电子公告服务管理规定》 3、遵守《全国人大常委会关于维护互联网安全的决定》
相关评论共 21 条 页码
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网友:匿名 发表时间: 2002-10-03 18:13:59.0 IP地址: 61.178.249.★
Success is easy after you blive!
网友:匿名 发表时间: 2002-10-03 18:12:37.0 IP地址: 61.178.249.★
Success is easy after you belive!
网友:King 发表时间: 2002-08-07 01:33:06.0 IP地址: 210.21.31.★
网友:匿名 发表时间: 2002-08-06 15:37:12.0 IP地址: 61.147.44.★
英国?剑桥? 很陌生哪! 现在我终于知道什么是吃不到葡萄,葡萄就是酸的了
网友:匿名 发表时间: 2002-08-06 01:27:34.0 IP地址: 218.21.105.★
网友:匿名 发表时间: 2002-08-05 13:38:16.0 IP地址: 61.156.75.★
网友:iippo 发表时间: 2002-08-05 09:50:43.0 IP地址: 61.136.117.★
网友:匿名 发表时间: 2002-08-05 09:26:09.0 IP地址: 218.22.250.★
网友:sch123 发表时间: 2002-08-05 09:24:16.0 IP地址: 218.22.250.★
网友:beck 发表时间: 2002-08-05 09:02:00.0 IP地址: 61.153.78.★
work hard, you will sucess! I belive.
网友:jason 发表时间: 2002-08-05 07:49:01.0 IP地址: 61.128.189.★
真是太好了!为什么中国学生只可以在中国大学里学习呢?Cam brige那可是大师云集的地方啊!快告诉一百位亲友这条消息!人家想钱?人家GDP是多少?人均值又是咱中国的好几倍?白痴们,你们知道吗?阿鲁说他的书可以读二三十年,如今差不多百年了!怎么还这么多阿Q啊!四省的朋友们赶快报名吧!
网友:kk 发表时间: 2002-08-05 07:34:51.0 IP地址: 61.164.4.★
网友:匿名 发表时间: 2002-08-04 19:35:23.0 IP地址: 61.163.172.★
everyone wants to have a good study situation,in fact wastern countries higher educaton are much better than our country,that is true,is not just think that other country is better than us.For the case, if anyone have a good chance ,in otherwords, they can go out to study, From in side I think it is very good for these people's furture.Do not use yourself's small pointview to see anything, as it is not good for you even it is bad for other people.
网友:磊 发表时间: 2002-08-04 17:04:22.0 IP地址: 211.91.205.★
网友:匿名 发表时间: 2002-08-04 15:49:43.0 IP地址: 61.132.210.★
Different people have different points of view. And different people will have dramatically different opportunities in the future. Just work hard and you deserve something you want.
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