A Romanian priest is facing punishment after refusing to baptise a child because its father was wearing an earring. Father Mihai Duma, from the Timiseni-Sag monastery near Timisoara, refused to baptise Mircea and Andrea Opris's new-born son after noticing Mircea had a pierced ear. Mr Opris, 27, told the Evenimentul Zilei daily: "When he saw me, he said that he didn't want to talk to me. I was stunned. I couldn't understand it. "He turned his back to me and I asked him what was the problem and he told me: "Sir, I don't speak to men who wear earrings"." The couple have since complained to the Timisoara bishopric and have been given an official apology. Father Duma is also likely to be disciplined. But Father Duma insisted: "I have a duty before God and I told that young man that when he steps inside God's house he should be dressed accordingly. "If he were really a believer he would have admitted that he was wrong to come with those earrings." 罗马尼亚一名牧师因为拒绝给一名戴耳环的男子的儿子做洗礼而遭到投诉,正面临惩罚。 这个孩子的父亲是27岁的米尔西·奥普里斯。牧师米海·杜马发现奥普里斯耳朵上有洞以后,便转过身去,拒绝给他儿子做洗礼。奥普里斯告诉记者说:“他看到我后,跟我说他不愿意跟我说话。我被惊呆了。我不能理解这种举动。”“他转过身去。我问他究竟出了什么问题,他说:‘我不跟戴耳环的人说话。’”但这位牧师则称:“如果他真的是一名信徒的话,他就应当承认自己的行为是错的。”
来源:[金羊网-- 新快报]