New York Film Academy
The New York Film Academy was designed for a new generation of filmmakers, screenwriters, actors, producers and animators who share a passion for motion pictures and want to learn by making their own projects in a hands-on, intensive program. Each student writes, produces, directs, and edits each film, then screens it and engages in constructive discussion and critique.
Filmmaking demands the integration of many kinds of knowledge. It is the integration of knowledge that distinguishes the New York Film Academy from many other film schools. In our courses students learn not only how to operate a camera, light a scene, or edit film. They learn how all the aspects of filmmaking relate to, interact with, and depend upon each other.
The many different programs of the New York Film Academy share a philosophy that balances in-class instruction by award-winning filmmakers with an intense exploration of the medium through practical, hands-on work. For us, learning by doing means requiring each student to make a series of short films. This takes them through the entire filmmaking process.
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