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  该殊荣由“Keuzegids Hoger Onderwijs”经过评估后授予。该机构是专门从事荷兰大学本科专业评估的权威机构。



  International Business and Management Studies

  Arnhem ranked number 1

  The International Business and Management Studies (IBMS) programme in Arnhem has once again been rated as the best of 25 Dutch academic institutions. This is the 3rd time in a row that the English-language IBMS programme has been ranked first in the 'Keuzegids Hoger Onderwijs'. This guide to higher education helps high school students choose a study programme.

  According to the guide to higher education 2009 are students extremely enthusiastic about the study’s content and relevance, and are very positive about HAN University of Applied Sciences teaching methods in Arnhem. The IBMS programme provides its students not only with the opportunity to gain practical experience, but also offers comprehensive insight into the professional field itself. IBMS also allows sufficient room for applied research.'

  What is the 'Keuzegids Hoger Onderwijs'?

  The 'Keuzegids Hoger Onderwijs' is the leading independent institute for evaluation of Bachelors programmes in the Netherlands. This guide contains a systematic quality comparison of comparable higher education programmes. The report is published yearly and contains the most up-to-date facts and rating for each programme. Student input is gathered from the National Student Survey, a survey conducted on behalf of the government.

  Aspects of international business

  The IBMS programme prepares students for business functions and management positions in internationally orientated companies. The programme covers all aspects of international business. Students follow courses in Management, Economics and Marketing. They learn about the international business environment through subjects such as Law and Finances, and gain experience writing management and marketing plans.

  Practical team projects

  Throughout the study, students work on various practical team projects and receive continuous training in a chosen language. The HAN has offered the IBMS programme for more than 10 years and students of many different nationalities have successfully completed the study.




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