VO: Why are you going to Ohio University? (分明就是问我为什么要去美国?)
ME: To do PhD study and research. They have very strong research centers and labs. They will provide me excellent environment to do research. I will do some real works, not just theoretical and simulation jobs… (竟忘了顺便引出我的RA,渐渐不知所云了。为了好下台,接着说) Do you need my resume?
VO: No.
ME: Ok. (不敢随便乱说了)
VO (始终以微笑发话): how will you pay for your study there?
ME: They gave me a scholarship. I should say RA, research assistantship. And there are some emails about the RA that are attached behind the offer letter. (我的Offer Letter上写的钱额比I20上少了约9000美元,email上有解释。)
VO (看一下我的I20): 将覆盖你大部分的费用。(跟着她翻看那些email)
ME: I highlighted some sentences.
VO: I see. (我把我的email内容也打印上去,原不想的,但为了显示自信,还是打印了。她倒是很认真看我的email内容,但没发表什么议论。)
ME: It’s about 85% of the overall expenses. I just need to pay the summer expenses. (I20上说余下的费用是Family Funds,而我在DS156上写是我自己付这部分。竟然忘了跟她说,我去到以后还可以申请到TA,学校确实规定来到以后经过考察才给TA。这也可以趁机“晒命”(粤语,炫耀)嘛。笨笨!)Do you need to have a look at my bank statements?
ME: I will go back to China to work for Quality of Service for the Internet. I will join up application and theory to do real work. Bla bla bla… (都记不清具体说什么。)