意大利一名机警的烟草店店主用可摄像手机拍下两名抢劫犯的面目,然后通过彩信技术将图片转发给警察局,帮助警方迅速将两名劫匪抓获。 事情是这样的:意大利罗马城一家烟草店的店主日前发现有两个可疑的人在他的店外流连,于是机警地拍下两人的外貌,并将图片通过短信息传给警方。警方核对资料后发现这两人原来是曾多次作案,目前正受通缉。警方立即派出人马将两名疑犯抓获。 被捕的两名劫匪分别是20岁的丹尼尔·普优和21岁的多林·奥伯西亚奴,他们在受到了简单审讯后被判6个月监禁。相信他们是世界上头两名被警方通过彩信技术逮捕并证明有罪的犯人。 Two robbers have been jailed in Italy after being identified from a mobile phone text picture. Daniel Puiu, 20, and 21-year-old Dorin Oborcianu are thought to be the first crooks in the world to be convicted using the image technology. The pair were snapped by a tobacconist who grew suspicious of them as they hung around outside his shop. He sent a text message with the picture to police. After checking their files, officers realised the two were wanted for a series of raids. A squad car was immediately sent to the store in the San Giovanni area of Rome where the pair were arrested. Detectives sent the robbers for a fast-track trial and they were both locked up for six months. Mario Pietrantozzi, of Rome police, told the Daily Mirror: "We believe this to be the first time in the world a picture text message has been used to help catch criminals and secure conviction."