1. TOEFL成绩单; 2. 如有可能,提供GRE、GMAT的成绩单; 3.大学期间每学期有成绩单(中英文),加盖学校红色印章后,装入学校正规的信封中,并在信封封口处加盖学校红色印章。申请读本科的学生还须准备高中每学期的成绩单(中英文),并加盖高中学校的红色印章; 4. 大学毕业证、学历证(均为中英文)复印件,加盖学校红色印章后,与成绩单一同放入学校信封中。申请读本科的学生须准备大专或相关学历证明(中英文)复印件; 5. 详细的自介书:Self-Introduction; 6. 个人简历:Resume; 7. 对专业选择的个人说明,即学习计划:Personal Statement; 8. 教授或学者的推荐信三封:Recommendation Letters(共九份),信中请注明教授的电话号码,所在系及学校地址,并用学校正规信签纸(有学校名称信头的信纸)打印出来。信上需打印出教授姓名的汉语拼音,并请教授签名。如果申请攻读MBA,其中一封推荐信应为公司负责人的推荐信(同样须打印在有公司信头的信纸上)。三封推荐信要采用不同的风格、字体、格式和纸张; 9. 本人的美金或人民币存款的银行存款证明原件,金额随学校要求而定。 Note: Resume that include your personal information (name, address, date of birth), educational background, working experience, any research or publications in your field, any honors or awards received, and any organizations that you belong to; Personal Statement that gives, in composition form, a good idea of what your educational, professional and personal goals is. This statement should be at least 500 words and typed. Letters of Recommendation from profeesors or instructors who are familiar with your school's work or research. You may also substitute one from an employer (esp. if you are interested in MBA).