关于 中科大留美学生母亲:于小平闲侃的讨论

用户: 匿名发出
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1、经营许可证编号:京ICP000008号 2、遵守《互联网电子公告服务管理规定》 3、遵守《全国人大常委会关于维护互联网安全的决定》
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网友:匿名 发表时间: 2003-02-26 01:22:48.0 IP地址: 202.109.240.★
网友:4nick 发表时间: 2003-02-22 18:45:36.0 IP地址: 202.110.184.★
引用: Otherwise to go abroad is not of much significance
网友:匿名 发表时间: 2003-02-04 23:41:17.0 IP地址: 202.113.185.★
网友:匿名 发表时间: 2003-01-02 12:22:20.0 IP地址: 202.156.2.★
网友:匿名 发表时间: 2003-01-02 12:04:10.0 IP地址: 202.156.2.★
网友:匿名 发表时间: 2003-01-02 12:03:03.0 IP地址: 202.156.2.★
I am a student from USTC. Even though I should say thanks to this mother for her help in boasting USTC's reputation, there is really certain level of exaggeration in her words. Nowadays to go abroad can only be considered as one of the options for life, not necessary to be the best. So no need to be so proud of it. A lot of hard work is needed to reach the expert level if one is really interested in pure science such as physics, mathematics or chemistry and has decided to devote him/herself to research work. However even though you may finally turn out to be a professor in Harvard, you also may have lost the chance to be the next Yang Yuanqing or Zhang Ruimin, and in my opinion their contribution to China is no less than any USTC student being abroad. Hopefully there will be more and more USTC students (being abroad) to make contribution to bring our motherland's core competancy in Science and Technology to world top level. Otherwise to go abroad is not of much significance
网友:匿名 发表时间: 2003-01-02 11:08:14.0 IP地址: 218.20.62.★
网友:匿名 发表时间: 2003-01-02 01:34:44.0 IP地址: 218.108.131.★
你儿子不就学习好吗?狂什么? 学习好,挣钱少。 我不如你儿子学的好,但就是会赚钱, 懂经营也能被哈佛商学院录取,我正申请呢。
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