招聘网站Monster.com近日向在其网页上刊载应聘信息的个人用户发去了警告性的电子邮件,称一些虚假的招聘条目可能被用来窃取这些用户的私人信息。分析人士称,上述现象反映出上网应聘的用户正在面临日益严重的身份盗窃危险,尤其是那些在网上提供了信用卡号码、社会安全号码以及其他关键性私人信息的应聘者更需要小心。 An e-mail from Internet job board warning that fake listings are being used to steal personal information began arriving in users' computer mailboxes Thursday. Pam Dixon, a research fellow with the Denver-based Privacy Foundation who has studied Internet job sites, said the e-mail confirms a growing hazard for online job seekers. Dixon said most of the cases she's familiar with involve job seekers who have provided credit card numbers, social security numbers or agreed to ship overseas materials that are prohibited from being sold outside U.S. borders.