澳洲莫瑞迪安国际学校倒闭 上千中国学生受影响
(搜狐出国2009年11月6日讯)澳大利亚联邦教育部长茱莉亚•吉拉德今天宣布,一家提供国际教育课程的机构―全球校园管理集团(Global Campus Management Group)目前已进入自动破产管理程序,该机构提供包括高中、英语语言以及职业教育与培训在内的课程。
吉拉德部长强调,政府当务之急是妥善安置受影响的学生,特别是那些正在参加“新南威尔士州高中证书”(HSC) 或“维多利亚州教育证书”(VCE)高中毕业考试的学生。目前,相关州政府已采取积极措施,以尽量将此事件对学生造成的影响降到最低。
澳大利亚政府有关部门已就此事安排了会议,向受影响的学生介绍情况。在墨尔本的会议安排在11月9日星期一,在悉尼的会议安排在同一星期晚些时候。学生可以登录网站www.aei.gov.au/ESOS了解会议的详情或拨打ESOS求助热线1300 363 079。
此外,布鲁斯•贝尔德(Bruce Baird)先生正在全面审查该法案。“贝尔德审查”(The Baird Review)将会审视有关立法工作的各个方面,届时将在2009年底向政府提交一份临时报告。
MR13/09 6 November 2009
Closure of Meridian College
The Minister for Education, Julia Gillard, today announced that the Global Campus Management Group, a provider of international education in the secondary school, English language and vocational education and training sector, has entered voluntary administration.
Included in the Global Campus Management Group are the GCM Fashion Institute, The Meridian International School, Meridian International Hotel School, International Design School, and Meridian College.
Ms Gillard said that the first concern is for the students, particularly those currently undergoing their HSC or VCE examinations, and that the State Governments have already put in place arrangements to ensure those students will be catered for with the minimum of disruption.
International students studying at the colleges are covered by a comprehensive safety net, with the first preference being a place in another similar course at a different institution if possible.
Where a place cannot be found, the Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) Act guarantees the students will receive a refund of their outstanding fees.
No student will be left without either a place at a different college, or a refund.
Meetings have been arranged to brief students affected by the closure. Meetings will be held in Melbourne on Monday 9 November and Sydney later in the week. For further details on these meetings students can check the website www.aei.gov.au/ESOS or call the ESOS Helpline on 1300 363 079.
The Government is taking strong steps to ensure we remain a world leader in providing international education services.
These steps include the recent passage through the House of Representatives of amendments to the ESOS Act that will require re-registration of all providers of international education in Australia.
In addition, a full review of the Act is currently underway under the direction of Bruce Baird. The Baird Review will look at all aspects of the legislation and will provide an interim report to the Government towards the end of 2009.
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