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(2007.1.6)Nowadays, people are changing their jobs rapidly,andmany think
they can"t depend on the same job for life. Discuss thereasonsfor the phenomenon and make some suggestions.
(2007.1.13) Some people think universities shouldprovideknowledge and skills related to future career, others thinkthetrue n of university is to give access to knowledge thatstudentsare interested in. What is your opinion of the main nofuniversity?
(2007.1.20)Some people say that governments should pay forthehealth care and education but other people say that it is notthegovernments" responsibility. Discuss the both viewpoints andgiveyour opinion.
(2007.2.3) Some people think that individuals are not ableimprovethe environment, only government and companies can makeadifference. To what extent do you agreeor disagree?
(2007.2.10) Some people think that maintaining public librariesiswaste of time because computer technologies have alreadyreplacedits n. Do you agree or disagree?
(2007.3.3) Some people think schools should selectpupilsaccording to their academic ability, and others believepupils withdifferent abilities should be educated together. Discussboth viewsand give your opinion. Use an example to support youridea.
(2007.3.10) With the increasing use of mobile phones, lesspeopletend to write letters. Some people believe that writingletterswill disappear completely. To what extent do you agreeordisagree?
3。31)Nowadays, people perform their everyday tasks, suchasbanking, shopping as well as business transactions, withouttheneed of meeting other people face to face. What are thepossibleeffects of the phenomenon on the individual and the societyas awhole?
(2007.4.14)Some people believe that advertisements shouldbebanned since they serve no useful purpose and can even bedamaging.To what extent do you agree or disagree?
(2007.4.21) Nowadays, customers are facingincreasingadvertisements with the competition of differentcompanies. To whatextent do you think customers are influenced byadvertisements?What measures can be taken to protect the customers?(新题/分析建议类)
(2007.5.12) Some people believe that some unpaid communityserviceshould be a compulsory part of high school programs. Towhat extentdo you agree or disagree? (旧题/教育类)
(2007.5.19) Nowadays, computers are used more and more widelyinthe field of education. In which areas are computers moreimportantand in which areas are teachers moreimportant?(全新题、教育类)
(2007.6.2)Today, more and more developing countries areexpandingtourist industry. Why is it the case? Do you regard it aspositiveor negative? (半新题/社会现象类)
(2007.6.16) In many countries traditional foods are beingreplacedby international fast foods. Some people think that therearenegative effects on both families and the society. To whatextent doyou agree or disagree? (半新题/社会现象类)
(2007.7.7) In some countries, schools aim to provide ageneraleducation across a range of subjects. In some othercountries,children focus on a narrow range of subjects related toaparticular career. For today"s world, which system do you thinkismore appropriate? (新题、教育类)
(2007.7.14) In the past, lectures were used as way ofteachinglarge number of students. But some people believe that withthedevelopment of technology, using lectures is no longerjustified.To what extent do you agree or disagree? (新题/教育类)
(2007.7.21) Good relationship between different countriesisbecoming more important than before. To what extent do you agreeordisagree?
(2007.8.18) Some people think we should invent a new languagethatcan be used by people all over the world forinternationalcommunication. Do you think its benefits wouldoutweigh theproblems?
(2007.8.25) Some people think that it is necessary to savemoneyfor the life after retirement. To what extent do you agreeordisagree? (价值观念类)
(2007.9.8) 图表作文:Pie Chart 3
Essay: Nowadays, more and more people are depending on carsintheir daily life. Some people think it has caused problems.Whatare the problems? Do you think we should encourage people tousecars? (社会现象)
(2007.9.22) 图表作文: 流程图 (净化水)
Higher education can be funded in several ways. 1. All costsbythe government 2. All costs by the students 3. Governmentloan(Repaid by the students after graduation)
What are the benefits of each method? Which one is the bestfromyour point of view? (政府决策类)
(2007.10.13) Some employers focus on academicqualifications,paying less attention to life experiences andpersonalqualities.
Why is this phenomena?
Is this development positive or negative? (社会现象类)
(2007.10.20) Some experts believe that it is better forstudentsto learn a foreign language in primary schools rather thaninsecondary schools. Do you think the advantages outweighthedisadvantages? (青少年教育类)
(2007.11.3) Some people think that government should paythecourse fees for those who want to study at university. Towhatextent do you agree or disagree? (政府决策类)
(2007.11.17) Nowadays, a lot of advertisements are aimedatchildren. Some people think there are lots of negative effectsforchildren and should ban the advertisenmebnts. To what extent doyouagree or disagree?
(2007.11.24) Some people believe that giving aid topoorercountries has more negative effcects than the positiveeffects. Towhat extent do you agree or disagree?
(2007.12.8) Some people believe that the aim ofuniversityeducation is to help graduates find better jobs whilesome othershold that there are wider benefits for the individualand thesociety. Discuss both viewpoints and give your ownopinion.