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Sohu首页 >> 出国频道 >> 移民专区 >> 移民加拿大 >> 移民加拿大技术移民


2005年1月28日12:06    瑞潮网

搭乘出国直通车 看各国出国资讯


    (钱路律师事务所 / 瑞潮网 版权所有 © 2004年www.canadarite.com


  1. What is your occupation?

  2. What is your intended occupation in Canada?

  3. What kind of QUALIFICATION did you get?.

  4. What university did you graduate from?

  5. What is your major?

  6. Since you have graduated from the university for more than 10 years, how can you catch up the fast-growing world?

  7. What have you learnt in your university?

  8. Have the course you studied in the university helped you?

  9. Can you speak any other language than English and Mandarin?

  10. Do you have to speak English, write English in your working environment?

  11. Have you received any professional training?

  12. Have you received any on-site job training?

  13. Do you have any professional license/certificate?

  14. How did the training help you in your present career?

  15. In what company are you working at present?

  16. Can you tell me about your company?

  17. How many employees are there in your companies?

  18. How long have you been working in the company?

  19. How long have you been working in this firm since your graduation?

  20. How long have you been in the position?

  21. Who do you report your work to?

  22. What is your position in your company?

  23. How many staffs do you supervise?

  24. What is the main business of your company? Name of general manager?

  25. What have you done in your work?

  26. What are your responsibilities?

  27. What are your achievements?

  28. What is your routine work?

  29. Do you have a reference letter from the present employer?

  30. After you land in Canada, what sort of job you plan to look for and how long you believe will take you before you can successfully get a job offer?

  31. How can you survive in Canada?

  32. What are you going to do if you cannot find a job in Canada? How will your friends help you?

  33. Do you have any relatives or friends in Canada who could assist you?

  34. How much transferable funds and other personal assets do you have? Do you have a summary of your assets?


海外原创  海外精彩 海外游子  海归一族

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·连载:汉城,迷茫着生活 ·连载:艾薇公主的异国恋
·组图:韩国MM大秀春装 ·组图:广告界的九宗罪(1) (2)
·组图:日本今冬最流行围脖 ·组图:漂亮而精致的韩国MM
·爆笑:课堂上的经典对白 ·组图:看了想吃的手机挂链
·各国老公戴绿帽后的反应 ·组图:日本超级无聊发明
·讨论:我该不该换日本国籍? ·韩国地铁车厢内的疯狂(组图)
·我与女房东的同居噩梦(图) ·我的男房东过生日(组图)
·我带韩国女友闯男厕(图) 续文 ·组图:生命遭遇不测(饱死鬼版) (租碟版)
· 组图:MM出游经典照 ·看看国外的“乞丐”(组图)
·我爱的人会不会是小姐 ·新加坡国家大学(组图)
·日本生活用品/食品价格一览 ·海外坛子的家庭照相簿(组图)
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·中国贞子闹美国 ·几米漫画:疲惫人生(组图)

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