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写作比赛二等奖获得者:北京市十一学校 贺思楠



  北京市十一学校 贺思楠


  My visit to UK

  Last night, I dreamt I went to Cambridge again. It seemed to me I stood by St .John’s college, listening to the chime. It was my very last day in Cambridge. Somehow the reflection of the past fifteen days came to reign supreme.

  August 2nd. A short time later our plane began to slow and bank. The land was carved into squares of green and brown. Lovely, green England came into view. Great Britain, lovely, green Great Britain, a country of contrasts―I fell in love with her as so many others have before me. Magnificent old buildings remain everywhere, but in between stood tiny modern shops and apartments.

  School here is fun. After taking three tests, we were classified in four levels. I entered the classroom to find teenagers from other countries about the same age, five from France, three from Israel, three from Russia and one from Bulgaria. We soon chattered to each other like old friends. Lessons were not difficult but quite different from what I expected. Teachers were perfect, never cross, never unfair and always ready for fun. Their teaching methods are also unique. Out of all this the most important thing I gained was how to reach an answer but not get the correct one.

  In the afternoons, we visited local interesting places. Cathedral is the type of building I wanted to see most anxiously. Inside the cathedral, exquisite, elegant rosette stained glass windows gleamed from a sudden burst of sunlight forcing its way through the clouds as though heaven had opened long enough to light them for us. Looking at the portraits on the wall and the words carved in the ground, I could hardly imagine how it would be when it’s in use. A smell of fragrance filled everywhere. On the top of the pointed roof facing us was a sun dial. Time could not mar the perfect symmetry of those patterns. There are beautiful parks and gardens around and miles of grassland which is rarely seen in cities here in China. There are fountains along the path of various shapes and sizes. Water jutted about several feet, each spout made in the face of an animal, the rain pouring from its mouth. There are monuments and statues centuries old in the streets or parks, make me memorize the honorable men and great events and how have Great Britain been through changes. As long as I live, I’ll remember my visit to the Thames River. Cruising down the river, the cool summer breeze whispered through the trees and gently touched my face. I gazed above me at imposing big Ben silhouetted like giant sentinel against the forget-my-not-blue sky. The tower bridge, an extraordinary structure of interlocking steel girders glittered brightly in the sunlight. I could not believe I was really there.

  The other day we went to Colchester pier, Essex. I was very enthusiastic. I sat on the sands, watching the sails passing by and seagulls gliding. We picked sea shells every now and then. Everything’s in harmony when someone shouted: the sky’s burning and the clouds are on fire too. A native speaker told us it is like that at every sunset. We gasped at the beautiful sight. Few minutes later, the sky turned grey, all went quiet, and it’s time to go home.

  However, Great Britain is not as simple as you might think. At Madam Tassauds, we viewed the flip side of London when it was wearing a mask of bigotry and cruelty. And yet Great Brain is considered to be the country where ghosts appear most, and London, not surprisingly to be the city that phantom appears most actively. An activity in our school called “ghost walk” left me a deep impression and assured me what I read before or watched from programs are all based on certain tales. Today, they still remain the mystery in the air. I’m not an expert on ghost but one thing I’m sure is how they affect the culture, like English literature when it was once in flourish.

  I stayed at Mr. & Mrs. Chivers’s, a lovely couple. They are hospitable and very laid-back .Their attitude towards religion gradually updated my impression on stereotype of Britain. It is said Cambridge is charming because it’s full of sense of studying. Indeed, you can’t deny this as you wander in the street surrounded by the humming atmosphere, feeling some sort of emotion.

  How time flies. I was beginning to enjoy life here and it’s time to leave. I waved and took the last glance of England of this trip then took off. Underneath everything shrank then blurred. I swear what has been repeated thousands of times in my heart: I’ll be here again as a college student in the near future.


写作比赛三等奖获得者:北京阜成路中学初二学生 路弯弯


  北京阜成路中学初二学生 路弯弯













  My Exciting England Summer Camp

  Waking up after one night’s sleep, I could hear birds tweeting by my ears. And when I opened my eyes and looked out of the window, I saw the bright rays of sunshine, blue skies, fluffy clouds and a row of little European-styled houses that looked like they were from fairy tales. The breeze that came from the windows was mingled with the smell of the sea, and the air was cool, just like Beijing’s autumn. ‘Good morning!’ The Japanese girl on the lower bunk greeted me. Right now all of the sleepiness went away, and the excitement of my first day in England’s seaside city Bournemouth took over.

  When I got downstairs, my blonde, green-eyed host mother said with a smile, ‘Breakfast is ready!’ The Kazakhstan girl from the room next-door was already seated at the table. After greeting each other, I started digging into my first English breakfast in England. This is my first day in Bournemouth .Students from all over the world come from all over the world to England for a summer camp to study in an English school, live with a local family, experience the culture in England and to begin a fun-packed and exciting journey in England.

  After breakfast a taxi booked by the school came for us. There were quite a number of cars but the traffic was in good order. The street we were driving on was clean and tidy and was flourishing with bright and colorful flowers. Rows of tall trees fell back as we drove forwards. The wind blowing from the car windows had a fresh smell of nature, which made it seemed impossible that we were driving on a main road. Bournemouth had the modernization of a big city and also a slow-paced countryside feeling.

  Our school was surrounded by trees and flowers like a big garden, and students were sitting everywhere on the grass reading and chatting. The teachers speak trueborn English-English, and the lessons were as interesting as games. To learn in playing English games, watching English movies and English-only chatting sessions were the main point of English happy education. But surprisingly, I found out that to learn this way is not only great fun, but also fast and efficient.

  In our afternoon activity time, sometimes we would go swimming at the beach. People wearing colorful swimsuits decorated the beach. There were people sunbathing, surfing, boating and swimming, and smiling faces shining under the sun. Or we would have a picnic in the park by the stream and lay a piece of white tablecloth on the grass in the shade. I felt never so close to nature when I touched the grass under me and listened to the stream flowing beside me. We would also visit local parks, where the trees were so thick that you couldn’t see the sun and you could feel oxygen gushing freely in your lungs. At night we would also go to the beach to watch fireworks blooming in the nightsky, or light candles in flowers at the park beside the beach. And on excursions, we had been to London and Oxford, and had been greatly amazed by the historical buildings that were still standing in the city.

  It was activity-packed in the day, and there’s still an exciting meal waiting for me when I got home. It was a really great enjoyment to have delicious hot food after a long and tiring day. Everyone sat around the table, chatting as we eat, just like what we do back in China at home.

  After dinner I would watch TV with my host family, and chat with them. From Beijing opera to English history, what we talked about was simply what we could find.

  Sometimes I’ll go out with my friends at night, when I came back it was already very late. But I don’t need a key to get in, because the door was not locked for my convenience. Everyone was asleep, but all of the lights leading to my room was on. I had the feeling of home, and I was really warm inside.

  Three weeks of my England trip finished in a hurry, and it felt like a dream to me. See you Bournemouth! You are my fenceless school, my happy paradise and most of all, the home that made me feel warm. I wish there would be more summer camps like this, but what I pray for is the world to be a summer camp for students all over the world. If only we throw away all metal helmets, and put on wreaths made from olive branches, then my wish can come true. Let us raise our glasses and wish together for my dream to come true!


  推荐单位:招商银行(领队) 周伟



  北京二十五中学高一学生 刘紫函



  河北秦皇岛渤海中学高一学生 刘岩松



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