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2004年3月8日11:40  作者: 一泓  来源: 搜狐留学论坛

  网上流行着一个所谓《2003最新加拿大排名》的中文版本,每项只有20所,其实是过时的national reputational ranking




  医学博士类大学排名 2003年11月 所在省份/城市 学校网站

  多伦多大学 1

  Toronto, Ont.

  University of Toronto

  麦吉尔大学 2

  Montreal, Que.

  McGill University

  女皇大学 *3

  Kingston, Ont.

  Queen's University

  西安大略大学 *3

  London, Ont.

  The University of Western Ontario

  英属哥伦比亚大学 5

  Vancouver, B.C.

  The University of British Columbia

  阿伯塔大学 6

  Edmonton, Alta.

  University of Alberta

  蒙特利尔大学 7

  Montreal, Que

  Universite De Montreal

  谢布克大学 8

  Sherbrooke, Que

  Universite De Sherbrooke

  萨省大学 9

  Saskatoon, Sask.

  University of Saskatchewan

  拉瓦尔大学 10

  Quebec City, Que.

  Universite Laval

  麦克马斯特大学 11

  Hamilton, Ont.

  McMaster University

  渥太华大学 12

  Ottawa, Ont.

  University of Ottawa

  戴尔豪西大学 13

  Halifax, N.S.

  Dalhousie University

  卡尔加里大学 14

  Calgary, Alta.

  University of Calgary

  马尼托巴大学 15

  Winnipeg, Man.

  The University of Manitoba




  综合类大学排名 2003年11月 所在省份/城市 学校网站

  圭尔夫大学 1

  Guelpn, Ont. University of Guelph

  滑铁卢大学 2

  Waterloo, Ont. University of Waterloo

  维多利亚大学 3

  Victoria, B.C. University of Victoria

  西蒙弗雷泽大学 4

  Burnaby, B.C. Simon Fraser University

  纪念大学 5

  St. John's, Nfld. Memorial University of Newfoundland

  里贾纳大学 6

  Regina, Sask. The University of Regina

  康克迪亚大学 7

  Montreal, Que. Concordia University

  纽布伦斯克大学 *8

  Saint John, N. B. University of New Brunswick

  约克大学 *8

  Toronto, Ont. York University

  卡尔顿大学 10

  Ottawa, Ont. Carleton University

  温莎大学 11

  Windsor, Ont. University of Windsor




  基础大学排名 2003年11月 所在省份/城市 学校网站

  圣弗朗西斯泽维尔 1

  Antigonish, N.S. St. Francis Xavier University

  爱立逊山大学 2

  Sackville, N.B. Mount Allison University

  阿卡迪亚大学 3

  Wolfville, N.S. Acadia University

  主教大学 4

  Lennoxville, Que. Bishop's University

  特伦特大学 5

  Peterborough, Ont. Trent University

  劳里埃大学 6

  Waterloo, Ont.

  Wilfrid Laurier University

  北英属哥伦比亚 *7

  Prince George, B.C. University of Northern Brithsh Columbia

  圣托马斯大学 *7

  Fredericton, N.B. St. Thomas University

  爱德华王子岛大学 9

  Charlottetown, P.E.I. University of Prince Edward Island

  温尼伯大学 10

  Winnipeg, Man. The University of Winnipeg

  圣玛丽大学 11

  Halifax, N.S. Saint Mary's University

  布鲁克大学 *12

  St. Catharines, Ont. Brock University

  莱斯布里奇大学 *12

  Lethbridge, Alta. The Unviersity of Lethbridge

  圣文森特大学 14

  Sackville, N.B. Mount Saint Vincent University

  麦克敦大学 15

  Moncton, Edmundston and Shippagan, N.B. Universite De Moncton

  布莱登大学 16

  Brandon, Man. Brandon University

  湖畔大学 17

  Thunder Bay, Ont. Lakehead University

  瑞尔森大学 18

  Toronto, Ont. Ryerson University

  劳伦森大学 19

  Sudbury, Ont. Laurentian University

  尼皮辛大学 20

  North Bay, Ont. Nipissing University

  卡普敦大学 21

  Sydney, N.S. University College of Cape Breton


  National Reputational Ranking:

  Best Overall

  Ranking University

  1 Toronto

  2 Waterloo

  3 Queen's

  4 McGill

  5 Alberta

  6 UBC

  7 McMaster

  8 Guelph

  9 Western

  10 Simon Fraser

  11 Acadia

  12 Sherbrooke

  13 Montreal

  14 Mount Allison

  15 Victoria

  16 Dalhousie

  17 Saskatchewan

  18 Calgary

  19 Laval

  20 St.Francis Xavier

  21 Wilfrid Laurier

  22 Ryerson

  23 Memorial

  24 Ottawa

  25 York

  26 New Bruswick

  27 Manitoba

  28 Trent

  29 Concordia

  30 Brock

  31 Lethbridge

  32 Carleton

  33 Saint Mary's

  34 Bishop's

  35 St.Thomas

  36 Regina

  37 UPEI

  38 Mount Saint Vincent

  39 UNBC

  40 Winnipeg

  41 Windsor

  42 Moncton

  43 Lakehead

  44 Laurentian

  45 Nipissing

  46 Brandon

  47 Cape Breton (UCCB)

  National Reputational Ranking:

  Highest Quality

  Ranking University

  1 Queen's

  2 McGill

  3 Toronto

  4 Waterloo

  5 UBC

  6 McMaster

  7 Alberta

  8 Western

  9 Guelph

  10 Mount Allison

  11 Acadia

  12 Simon Fraser

  13 Dalhousie

  13 Montreal

  15 St. Francis Xavier

  16 Victoria

  17 Wifrid Laurier

  18 Laval

  19 Sherbrooke

  20 Calgary

  21 Saskatchewan

  22 Memorial

  23 Ottawa

  24 New Brunswick

  25 York

  26 Ryerson

  27 Manitoba

  28 Saint Mary's

  29 Bishop's

  30 Trent

  31 Concordia

  32 Carleton

  33 Lethbridge

  34 Brock

  35 St.Thomas

  36 Mount Saint Vincent

  37 UPEI

  38 Regina

  39 Winnipeg

  40 Windsor

  41 Moncton

  42 UNBC

  43 Brandon

  44 Lakehead

  45 Laurentian

  46 Nipissing

  47 Cape Breton (UCCB)

  National Reputational Ranking:


  Ranking University

  1 Waterloo

  2 Toronto

  3 McMaster

  4 McGill

  5 Queen's

  6 UBC

  7 Alberta

  8 Guelph

  9 Acadia

  10 Simon Fraser

  11 Western

  12 Sherbrooke

  13 Victoria

  14 Montreal

  15 Calgary

  16 Mount Allison

  17 Dalhousie

  18 Ryerson

  19 St.Francis Xavier

  20 Saskatchewan

  21 Laval

  22 Wilfrid Laurier

  23 Memorial

  24 New Brunswick

  25 York

  26 Ottawa

  27 Trent

  28 Concordia

  29 Brock

  30 Manitoba

  31 Saint Mary's

  32 Lethbridge

  33 Carleton

  34 UNBC

  35 St.Thomas

  36 UPEI

  37 Bishop's

  38 Mount Saint Vincent

  39 Regina

  40 Winnipeg

  41 Windsor

  42 Moncton

  43 Lakehead

  44 Nipissing

  45 Laurentian

  46 Brandon

  47 Cape Breton (UCCB)


  National Reputational Ranking:

  Leaders of Tomorrow

  Ranking University

  1 Toronto

  2 Waterloo

  3 Alberta

  4 Queen's

  5 McGill

  6 UBC

  7 McMaster

  8 Guelph

  9 Sherbrooke

  10 Simon Fraser

  11 Saskatchewan

  12 Western

  13 Montreal

  14 Acadia

  15 Laval

  16 Calgary

  17 Ryerson

  18 Ottawa

  19 Victoria

  20 York

  21 Memorial

  22 Dalhousie

  23 St.Francis Xavier

  24 Mount Allison

  25 Carleton

  26 Lethbridge

  27 Manitoba

  28 Wilfrid Laurier

  29 Brock

  30 Trent

  31 Concordia

  32 UNBC

  33 New Bruswick

  34 Regina

  35 Laurentian

  36 Winnipeg

  37 Windsor

  38 St.Thomas

  39 UPEI

  40 Saint Mary's

  41 Lakehead

  42 Bishop's

  43 Nipissing

  44 Mount Saint Vincent

  45 Cape Breton (UCCB)

  46 Moncton

  47 Brandon

  Students are enriched by the caliber of their peers. Here are the average final-year students entering from high school or Quebec's CEGEP system.

  Average Entering Grade

  Ranking University Grade

  1 McGill 88%

  2 Queen's 87.5%

  3 Montreal 87.4%

  4 UBC 87.3%

  5 Sherbrooke 86.5%

  6 Saskatchewan 86.1%

  6 Toronto 86.1%

  8 Laval 86%

  8 Western 86%

  10 Mount Allison 85.5%

  11 Victoria 85.4%

  11 Waterloo 85.4%

  13 Alberta 84.5%

  14 Dalhousie 84.2%

  15 Regina 83.8%

  16 St. Francis Xavier 83.4%

  16 Simon Fraser 83.4%

  18 Guelph 83.2%

  19 St.Thomas 83%

  20 Ottawa 82.7%

  21 Acadia 82.6%

  22 Calgary 82.5%

  22 Wilfrid Laurier 82.5%

  24 Manitoba 82.4%

  25 McMaster 82.3%

  26 Concordia 82.1%

  27 Bishop's 82%

  28 Winnipeg 81.3%

  29 Caleton 81%

  30 Mount Saint Vincent 80.9%

  31 New Brunswick 80.5%

  32 UNBC 80.3%

  33 UPEI 80.2%

  34 Memorial 80.1%

  35 Brock 80%

  36 Brandon 79.7%

  37 Cape Breton (UCCB) 79.4%

  37 Ryerson 79.4%

  39 Lethbridge 79.1%

  39 York 79.1%

  41 Sait Mary's 78.6%

  42 Moncton 78.3%

  43 Nipissing 78.1%

  44 Trent 77.5%

  45 Laurentian 77%

  46 Lakehead 76.4%

  47 Windsor 76%

  Proportion With 75% Or Higher

  Ranking University Per Cent

  1 McGill 99.91

  2 Western 99.9

  3 Queen's 99.85

  4 Guelph 99.8

  5 UBC 99.6

  6 Victoria 98.99

  7 Montreal 98.84

  8 Toronto 98.79

  9 Sherbrooke 97.98

  10 Laval 97.05

  11 Simon Fraser 95.81

  12 Mount Allison 93.86

  13 Waterloo 92.86

  14 Saskatchewan 92.31

  15 Dalhousie 91.84

  16 Alberta 91.01

  17 McMaster 89.43

  18 Calgary 88.59

  19 Ottawa 87.66

  20 Wilfrid Laurier 87.21

  21 Bishop's 86.29

  22 Concordia 85.82

  23 St. Francis Xavier 85.06

  24 Regina 84.93

  25 Acadia 83.29

  26 St. Thomas 82.36

  27 Manitoba 81.07

  28 Carleton 80.54

  29 UNBC 77.64

  30 Winnipeg 77.17

  31 Ryerson 76.47

  32 Memorial 76.07

  33 Saint Mary's 74.82

  34 New Brunswick 74.38

  35 Mount Saint Vincent 74.13

  36 Brock 72.14

  37 UPEI 70.36

  38 Lethbridge 69.64

  39 Brandon 69.21

  40 Cape Breton (UCCB) 69.02

  41 York 68.9

  42 Nipissing 68.03

  43 Moncton 66.24

  44 Trent 60.99

  45 Laurentian 54.89

  46 Lakehead 52.97

  47 Windsor 52.78

  Canadian Business School Rankings

  University Business Week* Economist Financial Times Forbes Wall Street

  Alberta 。。。。。。。。。。 – – 100 – –

  Haskayne (Calgary) 。。。。。 – – 93 – –

  HEC Montréal 。。。。。。。 2nd tier – – 17 –

  John Molson (Concordia) 。。。 – 96 – 18 –

  Joseph L. Rotman (Toronto) 。。 5 – 21 – 10

  McGill 。。。。。。。。。。 2nd tier – 37 13 –

  Queen’s 。。。。。。。。。 2 56 40 10 –

  Richard Ivey (Western) 。。。 6 64 22 – 7

  Sauder (British Columbia) 。。 – 60 73 – –

  Schulich (York) 。。。。。。 10 22 26 6 –

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