例句 1、Send out a distress signal; the ship is sinking. 船在下沉, 快发求救信号吧。 2、Outside of John, there's no one for the job. 除了约翰,没人适合这一工作。 3、He resents being called a fool. 他讨厌别人叫他傻瓜。 4、He dissipated his large fortune in a few years. 他把大笔家产几年就挥霍光了。 5、He let the chance go by. 他错过了机会。 6、I want to make you my wife. 我要娶你为妻。 7、The contract will be signed prior to the ceremony. 合同将在仪式之前签署。 8、Take this ring as a pledge of our friendship. 收下这枚戒指作为我们友谊的象征。 9、It's a French movie with English subtitles. 这是一部有英语字幕的法国电影。 10、She loves books and frequents the library. 她喜爱书,经常去图书馆。 11、This company is a subsidiary of the main company. 这个公司是总公司的子公司。 12、My wife and I have similar tastes in music. 我妻子和我在音乐方面有相似的爱好。 迷彩文《泰坦尼克》电影新编 鹭鸶:Send out a distress signal; the ship is sinking. 快呀,发信号,打旗语,前面好像有船?啊,不是船,是条鲨鱼! 鸡西:旗语?我不会打。Outside of John, there's no one for the job. 约翰,傻瓜,还等什么?快!(约翰扭头走开。) 鹭鸶:He resents being called a fool.不要这样叫他。 鸡西:他曾是个富豪。He dissipated his large fortune in a few years. 本来前年股市牛市,他有可能大发一把,可惜他刚赔了,不敢买入。He let the chance go by.可惜呀,可惜。一失足成千古--咦,失足,怎么脚下这么凉? 鹭鸶:船在继续下沉,你脚在水里了! 鸡西:快不行了?I want to make you my wife.我要娶你!我们结婚吧? 鹭鸶:结婚可以,但要签个合同,如果离婚,各人仍得到自己原来的财产。你这个流浪小子,休想靠娶我发财! 鸡西:好!按你说的办。船沉前十分钟我们举行结婚仪式! The contract will be signed prior to the ceremony. 船沉前十分钟我们举行结婚仪式!(欲吻鹭鸶) 鹭鸶:(推开鸡西)可仪式举行前我们还只是朋友!现在是朋友!不是爱人! 鸡西:朋友就朋友吧。Take this ring as a pledge of our friendship. 哎,我看到后人把我们的故事正拍成电影,导演手上戴的正是这枚戒指! 鹭鸶:我也看到了。It's a French movie with English subtitles. 咦,怎么拍的?电影里的我怎么显得那么傻? 鸡西:嗨,导演!卡兄,错了!别把鹭鸶拍成不学无术的女子!她很好学的!She loves books and frequents the library. 卡兄:This company is a subsidiary of the main company. 总公司总裁的女儿要演鹭鸶一角,她有点弱智,我们只好改变主角原来的形象来适应她的特点。 鸡西:鹭鸶现在是我的妻子了。My wife and I have similar tastes in music.她是个才女,你们却弄个痴呆来演她!你们这群混--啊,怎么这么咸?坏了,水淹到我嘴巴了!乐队,快 奏乐,结婚仪式开-- (“咕咚”一声,鸡西沉入水中,画面里海水汹涌澎湃;音乐响起:我的心和昨天一样!) |